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POS Systems Prices

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I know this has been beaten to death on this board, but can everyone share how much their POS system cost and who they used?

I’m thinking of installing one at a couple of my stores.


I work for PDQ Signature system and would be more then happy to get you a quote in regards for a system. However there are a few question that need to be answered. First how many stations, printers cashdraws ect ect. If you give me a call in my office I can send you out a free DVD as well as a sales quote after we talk. Unfortunately I can not leave my phone number on this email because of anti spam so check us out on the web at PIZZERIAPOS dot com for our phone number.

Thanks for your time
Jason Coluccio
Signature systems
I dont mean to undercut PDQ. there system looks amazing and i wish it was reasonably priced for independant pizzeria owners… but at 13k for a 2 station system you can get 2-2station systems for less… i would def rate PDQ in the top of all catergories… unfortunatley price is one of them and its completely unreasonably priced formost pizzeria owners… if you can afford it buy a PDQ if not point of success is by far the favorite here and you can get a system for 3500 with 600 for software… i like next POS its good and also cheap … but its no PDQ
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16K for 5 station Vital Link POS with one till, label printer and driver reciept printer.
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I just ran some numbers unsing online computer parts sources and Point of Success. I can put together for about $8600 +/-:

Premium Software, Employee Timekeeping, CallerID (2 line), Table Management, Menu setup training CD, 3 user database license, FoodCost Pro, and 6 month maintanence plan . . . . . $2,015

HARDWARE for three stations: Windows XP, Receipt printer, cash drawer, 3 label printers, bump bar, MS Streets&Maps, 17" touchscreen, 2 17" touchscreens with card readers, 3 pentium 4 computers, and 3 UPS (all Point of Success recommended printers and screens) . . . . . $6,600

I can’t get that price from anyone out there, and I am competant to set up most of this hardware myself from previous job experience. I don’t get the onsite training, but cash is my main constraint right now. Adding a fourth computer costs me an extra $1000 between software upgrades and hardware (I alreaqdy have a monitor for it).
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NicksPizza wrote:
HARDWARE for three stations: Windows XP, Receipt printer, cash drawer, 3 label printers, bump bar, MS Streets&Maps, 17" touchscreen, 2 17" touchscreens with card readers, 3 pentium 4 computers, and 3 UPS (all Point of Success recommended printers and screens) . . . . . $6,600
Well, if price is an issue… you can save some money on the hardware also. There’s no rule in the pizza guidebook that says you have to buy new computers. I bought all my stuff used except for the main office computer and my 17" LCD monitors . I installed the system myself and wired it (5 stations total)… total cost: $3800, Point of Success software included. -J_r0kk
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The one thing that appears not to be mentioned is that not everyone out there is capable of setting up a network or running wires or connecting network printers. I’ve seen alot of cst spend good money on putting a system together themselves and the thing ends up in the customers basement never used. There is a lot of work that goes into setting up a system yes PDQ might be a little expensive however we take care of everything from menu work, installation as well as training plus we give 1 Year on site Service & Support. You can save money on fixing your car yourself however if you never worked on a car before you should go to a mechanic. I just want everyone to aware that it takes alot of time and energy to set up a system and can be very fustrating so just make sure you know what your getting into before making that kind of inverstment.
I totally agree with you Jay. I have a graveyard of 400-800mgh machines and touch panel monitors that only work with an ISA slot card. After building out 5 systems myself, I got pretty good at it, but never again. I am tired of combing the used computer shop to find a double sided stick of pc 133 128meg ram because my machine is running slow, and single sided ram doesn`t work.

DFWPizza Man - What are you using now? Any system you do go with will save you money. Assuming you deliver, your customer database is just as much of an asset as anything you own, and the value of it only increases, compared to something like your ovens, that drop half their value the second after you have them installed.

If you are just starting out in a smaller market with sales goals of 4-7k a week, then you will have some time to play with a home made system, so that might be the way to go, but I did just re-ready your post and saw you had a few shops.

If you aren`t doing delivery, then you might want to check out a few of the following free POS programs:

Both open source and you dont have to rely on big brother gatess software to run either of them.
I am not currently using anything. The location I am thinking of installing this does about $8,250 a week in sales. It is semi-absentee owned.
The one thing that appears not to be mentioned is that not everyone out there is capable of setting up a network or running wires or connecting network printers . . . . .
I had thought that wa implied. My mistake. Not everyone is capable of their own hardware and network management. For those who have some expertise and time, the cost savings are significant.

Another thing we have not said is that the money charged by POS companies is a rip-off. The the majority of POS costs for labor and expertise are really rather reasonable given the often complex processes. If a proprietor has the money to invest on the pre-packed full system, then find the best one you can afford. If one has more technology skills, then save some of the thousands of dollars.

Many POS companies do not provide ANY opporunity to save by economizing with own labor or used technology . . . all or nothing is the story. so, I am playing the nothing card at this point and building my own.

Since this thread was started by someone that has expressed the income level that may or may not support a $15K technology investment today, we have been pointing to options that have a smaller price tag.
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