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POS systems


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POS system - its time. My pizza/italian restaurant has never had a POS system. I realize there are lots of systems out there, looking for suggestions which seem most user friendly, handle delivery, walk in, and in house dining. Would like time clock capability, inventory tracking, split checks, support, price. Thanking everyone in advance.
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I believe there is a POS forum here also.
I chose a high end system that has everything.
Be careful , there are many crap systems out there. You get what you pay for.
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POS system - its time. My pizza/italian restaurant has never had a POS system. I realize there are lots of systems out there, looking for suggestions which seem most user friendly, handle delivery, walk in, and in house dining. Would like time clock capability, inventory tracking, split checks, support, price. Thanking everyone in advance.
Don’t forget online ordering. In today’s day and age, it’s one of the most important aspects of the POS.
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I have been quite pleased with Point of Success. I have looked at others but found nothing to compel me to switch.
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Add me to the Point of Success fans. They bring you everything you’re looking for…except the high price.
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I have been using Prism (Microworks) for 15 years and I would not consider changing to anything else. We run a six station system with online ordering. All the capabilities you mention plus outstanding support. Online ordering, on-board CC clearing too.

There are several good bare bones systems out there. Be sure to check on whether they will run the number of stations you need and support various printers for different purposes. Support is also key and this is where Microworks really shines.
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im on Speedline and i coulden’t be happier! not sure how the dining room stuff is, i hear its gotten better with the most recent update.
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Things to consider: Be sure you are comparing apples to apples. Some companies have a basic package at a low price but then add for features that are included by other companies making the price comparison not so dramatic.
  1. Generalist POS suppliers say their system is great for pizza but fall down on the job when it comes to the kinds of things we need like 1/2-1/2 toppings, different priced toppings, various coupon types, sauce or cheese options and cooking instructions. Timed orders are challenging on some of these systems too.
  2. Fully integrated ordering, online ordering, credit card clearing, online payment, delivery information, mileage, tip reporting all are a challenge to non-specialized systems. Some of the cheaper systems really do not do all these things inside the platform.
  3. Food cost, portion control measurement, labor cost, sales reporting broken down by day, week, month or by the hour not to mention marketing info about who your best customers are and what and when they order…
  4. Do the systems arrive fully programmed and ready to use? Plug and play? or… do you have to enter the menu and set everything up, tell the computer where the printer is? Can tech support log in over the internet and trouble shoot or do you sit on the phone entering commands and reading error messages over the phone. For that matter do they have after-hours tech support?
  5. Are the machines interchangable? If the makeline machine goes down, can you swap an order station into that spot? What is the turn around time to get a fully programmed replacement machine to your door? We have had great reliability overall, but in 15 years we have had to do this 2-3 times since we tend to run the machines until they “drop”.
Again, after 15 years, I am huge fan of Microworks Prism POS. The questions above are the ones I would need satisfactory answers to before considering any other option as Microworks does them all:
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Another Point of Success fan here. You simply cannot beat the value! Are there some minor features I wish it had? Yes and by minor I mean really small things that would have been nice but I can certainly do without. Also, I use one of their dealers for menu programming and tech support and cannot say enough good things about him (shout out to William!), any issues I’ve had he remotely logs into our system and fixes whatever it is, easy peasy!
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