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We currently use an old cash register and paper tickets to take orders. On nights that I don’t close, I review the paperwork and find that either the till is short or there are tickets missing. Also, if I (for example) if I do inventory, sometimes we have large doughs “missing”. Long story short, we are also down in sales and cash poor currently. I need a “bare bones” POS software that I can hook up to a computer that I already have (minus a touch screen) to help with our “problem”. Where can I get the cheapest software (new/used) that is still functional ? Thanks in advance.
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Point of Success…we are very happy with it.
Oh yes, I concur. I’ll be Point of Success customer for as long as I’m in the restaurant business. If you’re just going to be running it on one computer, depending on what you need, it could be as low as $299. Although, I would recommend that you get the Premium version for $599. Take a look at the different features between the two:
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I bought Point Of Success in Spring '09 when I was really strapped for cash and it’s probably the best investment I’ve made. We were also using a cash register at the time. I can tell you that the integrated time clock paid for the software in the first year, just because people weren’t rounding or “guessing” clock in & out times.
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Also with a POS it is harder to forget to charge for something…Extra toppings, delivery, etc…It will pay for itself almost immediately…
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Jump on the band-wagon…I’ve had Point of Success 4 several yrs…from a small on-order station to a 5 station/on0line system…couldn’t be happier…I’ve used the ‘big’ brands, but the ease of use and customization is beyond what the others provide @ 10% of the cost…
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I’m gonna post this in the other forum too but… Any of you PointOfSuccess guys using it for a bar type setting? We are probably going to start out with hand written tickets and a basic electronic cash register but we’ve also considered “POS” systems, i.e., Micros, Aloha and PointOfSuccess. I wasnt sure if any PointOfSuccess users had a Bar area and were using it for more of a Tavern use, rather than typical restaurant or delivery use?
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POS does 98% of what we want it to do (the other 2% is just complicated pizza wrangling stuff that not much of anyone elose does either). You need to be handy with the hardware and software since the on-site support staff is you. The support staff is quite knowledgable and rather eager to answer questions . . . especially when you have their support subscription.

As for taverns, I would suspect that it would work just fine. Set up/program your mennu the way you need it and off you go. Set up supers buttons for drinks with mixers, juices, and classic drinks, then for beer and wine . . . prioritize them on the tickets, and you’re there. Start menu could even start with bar - kitchen as the top of the menu ‘tree’.
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I’m gonna post this in the other forum too but… Any of you PointOfSuccess guys using it for a bar type setting? We are probably going to start out with hand written tickets and a basic electronic cash register but we’ve also considered “POS” systems, i.e., Micros, Aloha and PointOfSuccess. I wasnt sure if any PointOfSuccess users had a Bar area and were using it for more of a Tavern use, rather than typical restaurant or delivery use?
Head over to their forum - I’m pretty sure there’s a few operators that have full bars. I can’t think of any reason it wouldn’t work great, but I don’t have a bar.

With how cheap computers are these days, you can set up a one terminal POS for only a few hundred bucks more than the cost of a basic cash register. I would consider my POS system almost as important as my ovens - no reason to skimp here!
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I’m gonna post this in the other forum too but… Any of you PointOfSuccess guys using it for a bar type setting? We are probably going to start out with hand written tickets and a basic electronic cash register but we’ve also considered “POS” systems, i.e., Micros, Aloha and PointOfSuccess. I wasnt sure if any PointOfSuccess users had a Bar area and were using it for more of a Tavern use, rather than typical restaurant or delivery use?
We use to have Diamond Touch… $20,000 later we trashed that system and got PointOfSuccess last January.
Works better then Diamond Touch at a great price… you can program POS to do almost anything you want… it also has a new inventory system we have been using for a month.

Rich, I use POS for our full-bar… and I have it tied into the inventory system. It is perfect, and employees are to scared to steal from you seeing as though you can track everything down to a 1oz. shot! I tried to use Diamond Touch in the bar… it was a joke. With POS you can pretty much do anything.
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Sounds like you have an employee theft problem to me. A POS will help you track it, but it will not stop it.
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I can say that the customer service for Adelo certainly sucks.

POSPizza was the first POS I installed in my onw pizza chain a while back. it is great for the money, and runs on about any hardware you can find. If you are unsure what you want, buy a 2 station license and some cheap computers from ebay. you can pay for the whole set up with one post card direct mail.
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We’re looking into a POS system for our new delco…and came upon this: … stems.aspx

They charge $40/month for 5 years, then it’s yours. Total cost including setup,installation,training,system,software: $2400 - Includes employee management, inventory control etc. Software from HarborTouch.

They’re also offering the following discounts for using their merchant services:

Debit - 1.39%
Credit - 1.68%
Key in - 2.19%
$0.19/ transaction fee

Have any of you used this before? What do you think about the pricing?
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By all means get a POS and use it. In the mean time, figure out who is stealing and get rid of them.
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“The most sophisticated point of sale system on the market”.
:roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: :roll:

“Harbour Touch”. Yeah, that’s why you see it installed everywhere…
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We’re looking into a POS system for our new delco…and came upon this: … stems.aspx

They charge $40/month for 5 years, then it’s yours. Total cost including setup,installation,training,system,software: $2400 - Includes employee management, inventory control etc. Software from HarborTouch.

They’re also offering the following discounts for using their merchant services:

Debit - 1.39%
Credit - 1.68%
Key in - 2.19%
$0.19/ transaction fee

Have any of you used this before? What do you think about the pricing?
I would ask them a lot of questions including but not limited to
  • How does the system handle delivery dispatch?
    Is it possible to integrate online ordering.
    How flexible are the menus? Pizza is one of the most difficult operations for POS systems.
    Are you locked into the CC service provider?
    How will the PIN and Chip technology be handled? It is in Canada and EU right now.
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I’ve been using revention for 4 years great system 24hr tech support online ordering etc… Coud’nt live with out it.
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Thanks Daddio…They said they have a software made specifically for pizzerias as well…but I will definitely find out about the other questions! I didn’t even think about the potential pin & chip issue for the near future!
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We currently use an old cash register and paper tickets to take orders. On nights that I don’t close, I review the paperwork and find that either the till is short or there are tickets missing. Also, if I (for example) if I do inventory, sometimes we have large doughs “missing”. Long story short, we are also down in sales and cash poor currently. I need a “bare bones” POS software that I can hook up to a computer that I already have (minus a touch screen) to help with our “problem”. Where can I get the cheapest software (new/used) that is still functional ? Thanks in advance.
Revention Revention revention
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