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ok who made there own pos system here tell me exactly what i need and how much should everything cost me .
Thanx 4 the advice b4 hand
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There will be an unbelievably wide range of answers to that question.

I built my own - total about $12K. If you want a list of the “ingredients” I’ll be happy to post.
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I built my 4 station system for $6k. All new equipment and software.
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I am building a 1-station right now, and a backup computer as soon as possible . . .
  • used compaq desktop 1GH $75
  • New 17" touchscreen $291
  • used Zebra Eltron LP2844 printer $96
  • used Epson TM-T88 III 103.37
  • USB adapters and misc cables (on hand) $0
  • UPS protector and backup $75
TOTAL HARDWARE . . . . $640.37
(backup laptop being donated)

Software will be Point of Success, and we are still deciding which modules to include. Price for premium package $599
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wat equipment is needed?
What do you mean “wat equipment is needed?” ?

Don’t you realize this is the same as asking “How do you paint a picture?”?

There are probably 1,000 answers to that question. How could anyone answer that question with the information you have provided?

At a minimum, we’d need to know what software you want to use, how many order stations, how many cashier stations, how many makeline stations, how many driver stations, where/how/what you want to print, do you want callerid, do you want online CC processing, do you want delivery mapping, do you want to use touchscreens or mouse, etc., etc. The answers to those questions will likely lead to 10 more questions.
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thanx nick sounds good, registered guest all i asked if u had built 1 what was needed thanx though. Nick answered 4 me… 😉
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thanx nick sounds good, registered guest all i asked if u had built 1 what was needed thanx though. Nick answered 4 me… 😉
Sorry up23. In your initial post you asked “what I need” - and telling you what “we” needed for our systems doesn’t answer what “you” need because we all need different things. That’s all I was saying.

In order for any of us to tell you what you need, you need to tell us what you want.
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