Re: POSPizza vs. Point of Success - Compare and contrast ple
Is there anyone on the board from either of these companies? Right now it looks like POSPizza is leading.
I am on the board at least once a day, but you asked for input from users. Adding my sales pitch to a thread like this isn’t usually helpful!
I am one of the founders of our company. Point of Success was developed from my experience as a pizzeria owner. I have been in the computer software business for about 25 years, all of them engaged in the development, sales and support of everything from general-purpose business accounting software to industry-specific business applications like Point of Success.
I can’t compare Point of Success to POSPizza because I know very little about the software. Even if I did know a lot about POSPizza, I couldn’t be counted upon for an unbiased opinion of their features compared to ours.
What I can tell you is that Point of Success is built to give restaurants, particularly pizzerias, the features they need to manage orders, control cash, improve marketing, and make a more efficient and profitable business. Our software is affordable, we care about our customers, and we work every day to improve our system and service.
You can get detailed feature information on our web site at and download a full working demo with a sample menu. We offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, so you can send it all back if Point of Success doesn’t work in your restaurant.
Anyone in our office can help you with your specific questions, including me. I can be reached at (800) 752-3565, extension 102. Call if I can help in any way!