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Possible New Location. Too small to work ?


New member
Hey Guys/Gals,

I have an opportunity to purchase a building and want to put a pizza carry out on ground level.
It’s 531 square feet what do you think?

I want to put in
Pizza table
Sand which unit
Deep fry
Double Lincoln 1450’s
And of course sinks etc…
I have attached current floor plan to give u an idea.
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Hi Bobby:

We have designed and equipped thousands of pizza shops.
Your space is inadequate, in our opinion.

We recommend 1200 sq ft for a viable pizza shop. We have equipped a few at 1000 sq ft.

Not only will you not have space for the equipment but you will not have adiquite space to purchas in viable quantities.

George Mills
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Back when we were doing the Pizza Cruise there was a fellow (I don’t remember his name anymore) who had a small pizza shop (600-square feet), by his own admission it was too small, but somehow he managed to make it work for him. Steve Green might remember his name or have his contact5 information. Some memory joggers: Bought his wife to be a beautiful ring on one of the cruises, brought his wife on the following cruises, lived above the shop. I want to think his name might have been Mike, but not sure.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Regarding my last post, the individuals name might have also been Jeff…I’m leaning more towards Jeff than Mike.
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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