Potassium Bromate in the flour


New member
Hi, I want to know if u use potassium bromate in your dough. I had been learning about the use of this chemical ingredient since 2004 and I dont use it. I had a lot of reason. Did u use it? Why?
Thanks šŸ˜ƒ
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Well, I think nobody want to answer this question, potassium bromate is bad for people health.
Prevent the absorsion of the iodine in the body, and that damage the tyroides. People are going gluten free because when they stop eating pizza and breads with bromate they fell better. Doctors are recomending people stop eating pizza and breads. Peace
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You might get a few responses if you give just slightly more than the 9 hours since your post went up! :shock:
Iā€™ll jump in. I think the lack of response has something to do with the political nature of your question.

As Iā€™m sure you know, bromated flour is banned in many countries (esp. Europe). In this country (U.S.) there is a certain school of political thought that mocks such European governmental meddling in private business decisions. ā€œNanny stateā€, and all that; just look at the various attempts to ban trans-fats, mandated nutritional info on menus, etc.

There is also a school of thought in this country that known hazards should be regulated.

Iā€™m not knowledgable enough about the science to comment. I know the theory is that the oven temperatures and bake times are sufficient to break down the purportedly hazardous substances. The question is whether this is true for all ovens and baking procedures.

Personally, my choice in my establishment is to use non-bromated flour. Specifically King Arthur, whose motto is ā€œnever bleached, never bromatedā€. I think it is in the best interest of my customers and my business.

Please donā€™t construe my choice as a judgement on other businesses that have made different decisions. Iā€™m just offering my choice as an example.
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Bad-Mouthing Gluten
But it is the trend followers rather than the celiac sufferers who are doing the bulk of the buying. A recent survey by market-research firm Packaged Facts showed that only 8% to 12% of people who purchased gluten-free products did so because of gluten intolerance. Most simply thought these products were healthier or of higher quality or could help them manage their weight.
On the subject of Potassium Bromate: I would prefer to buy an unbleached, unbromated product and I would use it as a marketing angle; but my current suppliers donā€™t carry such a product as the demand for it is apparently low here in the Midwest. I did get a sample of flour from King Arthur that is Winter Wheat so I donā€™t know if the gluten level is high enough to perform properly - I should really set aside some time to make dough with it before it turnsā€¦
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Well, I think nobody want to answer this question, potassium bromate is bad for people health.
Prevent the absorsion of the iodine in the body, and that damage the tyroides. People are going gluten free because when they stop eating pizza and breads with bromate they fell better. Doctors are recomending people stop eating pizza and breads. Peace
Donā€™t forget to mention that while what you said above is true - it is also true that with proper cooking and when used at normal levels, potassium bromate is cooked out of pizza dough. :roll:
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Why do i feel that ol peacenloaf is about to offer us a solution to his proffered questionable situation?
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Actually, potassium bromate is a carcinogen (it can cause cancer in some individuals). For years potassium bromate was thought to be completely converted to bromide (not a carcinogen) during baking, but new detection procedures revealed that there was still some residual bromate even after baking. This resulted in the banning of bromate in much of the world. Here in the U.S. bromate containing foods must carry a special health warning when sold in California, but it is not banned. Due to the consumer concerns over bromate many food companies have opted to eliminate it from their product formulations, plus it makes selling products in California easier as special labeling is not required when bromate isnā€™t present. Additionally, bromate is not allowed in Canada, so it also makes it easier to ship foods to Canada when bromate isnā€™t an issue, otherwise, companies would need two different formulas for products, one possibly with bromate for sale in the U.S. and one for export to Canada, without bromate. So it is just a lot easier to formulate products without the bromate and not have to worry about two different formulations and all the problems that come with it.
Some bakers still insist upon using bromate, and for that reason it is still available to them. This is why you can buy flour, such as General Mills, All Trumps both bromated and un-bromated. You decide what you want to use, and your customer decides what they want to buy/eat.
As for Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance, thatā€™s a whole different story, it has nothing to do with any ā€œadditivesā€.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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In a study students from the main university in Dominican Republic tested breads from differents areas in the city and they found potassium bromate after the baking, thats why the goverment ilegalized the use in the breads, they are going to have a sick country.(2006).
Here the video of the report, is in spanish. In Puerto Rico for example the increase of Thyroid glad sicknes with s is alarming. If we as a bakers we have to care about clients. Doctors in my area are telling people to stop eating breads and pizza, for the gluten and they fell better. They fell better because digesting the dough made with potassium bromate itshard for the body.Just people with good digestive system(young people) and hard digestive acids can do it whiout problems. They think that gluten its bad for you, and Im a baker and God send the wheat to eat the gluten. Change or die. šŸ˜‰
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Bromate is potentially bad, that is accepted, for many years it was thought/believed that all of the bromate was converted to bromide (safe) during the baking process, but new bromate detection methods revealed that there was a trace amount of bromate remaining after baking. For this reason, some countries decided to ban the use of bromate. Consuming products made with bromate within the legal use levels will not result in cancer, that has not been proven, but it is still a carcinogen in laboratory animals. Personally, I donā€™t think this is any worse than occasionally getting some gasoline, or a little paint thinner on your hands (all proven bad for you), but thatā€™s just me.
Iā€™m a whole lot more concerned over the microbial aspects of our food safety.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
ā€¦ For this reason, some countries decided to ban the use of bromate. Consuming products made with bromate within the legal use levels will not result in cancerā€¦
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Some countries? The whole world banned the potassium bromate as a ingredient in breads or pizza. Just US, Puerto Rico and Japan(in some foods) are the only countries that still using this chemical ingredient in foods.
China once returned to US a pringles shipment that contain Potassium bromate. in Africa 2008 (Nigeria) the goverment closed 35 bakeries for using potassium bromate, all Latin America long time ago banned it and Europe since 1992.
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