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Potion Control for Sliced Motz

We slice our own block motz for our pizzas. Currently we don’t weigh it out because the machine doesn’t slice it the same thickness each time. Do you think it would be worth it for me to have my employees weigh out the cheese for each pizza? I’m just afraid it would take too much time.
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Have you calculated out how much cheese you are actually using versus what your target is?..If you are close it may not be worth is…But most folks are so far off it is a “must” to weigh cheese…
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I reckon you’ve calculated the labor used to slice cheese…seems like it might be high when compared to shredding your own…


I’ve always wondered why some cheese mfg hasn’t developed a sliced cheese portion system for pizzarias…you’d think they could devise a way to slice a 9"/11"/13"/15" etc round disc with deli paper…

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…you’d think they could devise a way to slice a 9"/11"/13"/15" etc round disc with deli paper…
Shhhh! This is the idea I’m planning on using to get filthy rich. 😃
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May I ask why the thickness varies with each slicing? I am not talking from personal experience but if you weigh the cheese and because of excess thickness do not have enough slices to cover a pie…what do you do? I think instead of weighing each handfull of slices for a pie…invest in a slicer with better thickness control and then just top by number of slices instead of weight.
Slicing mozz for pizza topping seems incredibly inefficient, especially if it’s not a consistent slice.
The fact that your slicer doesn’t give the same cut every time is bad enough. But, combine with not weighing? Wow. I wish I had your capital. You could be using any amount of cheese on a pizza, at whatever cost, and you have no way of knowing what, or controlling it. That’s looking for trouble, sorry.

And, yeah, the time you spend slicing could probably produce double the amount shredded.
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Re: Portion Control for Sliced Motz

What are the weight measurment’s you give for 12,14 and 16" italian and deep pan?
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