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Power saving device?


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It’s seems like we talked about this last year, but I cant remember what it was called.
It would save you money on your power bill by storing electric in a panel you would hook up to your main electric panel.
Somebody here installed one at there shop or another biz they owned. I wanted to know if it worked?
Or if anybody tried anything else to save on power. It was a really hot summer and my bill was $3800+. Solar is out, my landlord wont let me do it. I’m thinking about a total a/c upgrade to18 SER, but I have 5 a/c units and it would be big $$.What :cry:
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The rest of the year it runs $2500.00 +/-. I have a big operation. Sales are million +. It only gets that high when its 100+ for an extended amount of time. We had 9 heat waves during the summer. What
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I mentioned it on the board. It was a capacitor that kept motors from surging when they started up. I never installed it but I am still considering it. I am still getting info about it. They don’t seem to be a big deal because no one is talking about them. Unless the power companies are trying to keep it quiet.
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The capacitor wont do the OP any good. They are used in industrial applications where the power companies charge extra for poor power factor (how efficient the power is being used).

OP. you might look into adjusting your thermostats a little or going programmable if you havent already. i personally like to just have mine set back or shut off completely at night so they get a rest, then start back up about an hour or so before I got in. your building will naturally cool itself some at night anyways when the temps outside come down and the sun isnt beating down on your building. I would also have a trusted HVAC company look all your units over, make sure ALL the coils are clean, and that the units are working as good as possible, including all of your refridgeration equipment. Also change your air filters regularly. I got into the habit of jumping up on the roof every 2 weeks and changing mine just because of the amount of flour in the air. I also got into the habit of blowing all my refridgeration (prep tables, freezers, etc) coils out once a week with an air compressor, also due to the amount of flour in the air. If you havent done that in awhile, you might be surprised at how much less that stuff runs after you get them cleaned out.
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I have put in programmable thermostats and it has saved us about $100 a month so far. Pizzeria AC filters get clogged quick so they should be changed at least every month for a 3 month filter or every week for a cheaper filter. I also agree about cleaning coils.
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Stebby1 nailed it. I posted a fairly detailed explanation of why these don’t work in our applications when it originally came up: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5667&p=34916&#p34916

Unless your utility company is charging you for kVA (which they’re not) this won’t do anything to save you money. You will still pull the same about of kilowatts (which you are charged for) on your inductive loads.

The electric company is definitely not trying to hide keep these quiet - they would love for you to install one. They would get to charge you the same amount they do now while supplying less current.
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dont use them…waste.

the best thing we did is install remote refrigeration for our walking cooler and freezer…does not heat up the kitchen and does not get clogged with flour…have not had any problems for about 5 years now. Wish that all my prep tables and other coolers were all set up that way as well…would have easily paid for themselves in repair call savings
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I have programable thermostats, I change my filters once a month( I write the dates on the corners so I remember to change them). I clean all coils, I hose off all a/c units. I had both walkins and pizza prep units located outside.

I just remembered posting that it wouldn’t work, but I was just thinking about it the other day.
Was hoping we were wrong! :twisted:

I just think I;m going to have to get new a/c units with better seer. May just start to replace them one at a time.
Thanks What
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Also, if you are not already using them, consider installing plastic strip curtains over your cooler and freezer doors. They are well known in the industry, and will save you between 10 and 15% on the operating cost of these units.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
Also, if you are not already using them, consider installing plastic strip curtains over your cooler and freezer doors.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
I definitely noticed a difference when we installed the curtains, not only on energy costs but my walk-in doesn’t spike to 65 degrees when we’re in and out of it during prep hours.
I’m thinking about a total a/c upgrade to18 SER, but I have 5 a/c units and it would be big $$.What :cry:
How big is the place, and what size are your A/C units? Our larger store is 2,800 sf and we have two units, one kitchen and one dining room.

The reason I ask is if you have too much A/C capacity for your space it can cost you more in energy costs because the unit(s) cycle faster. The current inrush of starting the compressor is the most expensive part and the efficiency improves logarithmically over time. If your units are cycling every few minutes you could be losing a lot of efficiency.
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I have curtains on frig. but not freezer. I’m missing one or two on the frig , I’ll have to fix that .
My building shape is a little different then most. Over the past 13 years I’m rented 5 units from my landlord.My place is kind of “L” shaped with the kitchen in the center unit. My units are cycling normally just old. What
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I’ve been noticing a large movement to replace black roofs with white ones over the past few years if they’re flat. A simple paint job seems to be all it takes, I’m considering doing it to mine, but we’re at the bottom of a two story building, so I don’t know that it would really do any good.
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