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Prep table cutting board


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What should the lifespan of my prep table cutting board be? I bought a new one about 2 yrs ago and we use it for prepping veggies and toppings, cutting and wrapping subs, as well as our pizza make line. While I’ve seen worse, it’s got some cuts into it that has black marks I can’t seem to get rid of. It’s nothing my health inspector is worried about, but I know that things can live in there. What is realistic for how bad it should get before it’s a problem? How often should these be replaced? Any tips for getting it clean? We use this block cleaner on it every night and sanitize it. Anything else I should be doing? Thanks.
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I use a very fine emery cloth to smooth out the cuts about every three months.
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Does that cleaner work better than bleach?
I buy the smaller cutting boards for prep work. And only use that cutting surface for cutting subs.
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It seems to. It’s more like a gel, so it clings a bit. You spread it on and let it sit for 15 mins then rinse it off. It works better than spray bottles of bleach water that I used to use, but there are still black marks.
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If our board starts to get off color we make up a bucket of bleach solution at a higher concentrate and soak some towels in it and lay them on the cutting board over-night and give it a good rinse in the morning.
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The material the cutting boards are made of can be bought in 4x8 sheets relatively inexpensive and cut to size with any type of power saw. When bleach quits working, flip it over. Next time just replace it and start the cycle over.
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If our board starts to get off color we make up a bucket of bleach solution at a higher concentrate and soak some towels in it and lay them on the cutting board over-night and give it a good rinse in the morning.
I had heard of other people that put the towels down then pour or spray bleach on them and it didn’t do much for me. But I think your idea might be better. I’ll try that. Thank you.
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There will be a good chance if you use too much bleach that the towels will be strands of string in the morning. However, it does work.
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I was told once by the health inspector to use a belt sander on it when they get too bad. Did it one time and as long as you are careful & not gouge it. It does work.
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yeah i used an angle grinder it worked but took a lot of time and my back yard looked like it had snowed with all the shavings.
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Plastic (polyethylene) cutting boards tend to get worn with use, eventually leading to an unsightly (and often unsanitary) surface. Between cut marks, foods, and cleaners can leave a plastic board looking pretty ragged.

But not all is lost - a quick attack with some sandpaper can refresh that cutting board, making it as good as new and saving the time and money of replacing them! This tried and true food service industry trick can help clean up even the worst of boards and prolong the life of your boards and boost the cleanliness of your kitchen.

George Mills
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Is the idea to sand down so you’re level with the cut in the board, or that the sanding process actually removes the grime? Thanks everyone.
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exactly! or just below the cuts and gouges.

and if you use a power tool like my dumb ass; be careful of the business end. I now have a wicked scar on my finger from the angle grinder i used…apparently angle grinders don’t know the difference from sheets of metal, plastic cutting boards, or my pointer finger; especially after I took off the safety guard.
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