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Prep Table Going Out, Not My Year For Equipment


New member
I’m going to have to replace the condenser on my prep table which looks like close to $2K installed. Or, I can find several used tables online for about the same price. I’ve dug around on craigslist too and only found a couple within a decent distance, waiting for email responses on those.

Am I wrong in thinking that I’d be better off fixing my own table? At least then I know that part is new and won’t be a problem any time soon, right?
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only if the installer is goingto warranty his work repairmen in my experience can never do as good a job as the factory
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That’s a good point. I can also get a new unit for about $800 more than repairing. Not a lot of money, but still a pretty good hit for where we’re at in reviving this store. I probably should have presented that as another option, and something I’m now seriously considering since I have a second prep table with a dead compressor sitting next to this one that’s just a shiny storage cabinet at this point.

Maybe going with a new unit is the better choice when I don’t know that something else isn’t going to fail on it next week.
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What make is it? How old to begin with? Some things are not worth repairing. Our local guy does warranty his work. We recently replaced our prep table because he told us that even repaired it was still old enough and “used” enough that it was going to need other repairs and that the type of repairs it was going to need when they happened were expensive.

If it is just a compressor and a repairman you trust says that otherwise the unit is in good shape I would fix it. Good prep tables new are quite a bit more expensive than 2K (unless you are talking about little ones, you did not say what size), more like 4-6K and up. We replaced the compressor in our True double door freezer a few years ago and have had no issues since.
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It’s a 72" True prep table. We have a pretty small kitchen and limited menu.


Just had a second opinion done. Condenser isn’t the issue, it’s a coil that’s about $1,000 cheaper. Lesson learned, just because you like someone personally, doesn’t mean they’re the best person to have a professional relationship with.
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