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Prep Tables?


New member
Hey everyone,

I am in the market for a prep table. Looking at 114-119" tables. I went to the NRA show and saw a lot. I was curious if anyone here has any success or horror stories of the table you currently use.

Any info would be a great help.


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Hi Tony:

As indicated before I do not use equipment but I can report what some of hundreds of our clients have reported to us.

Our clients best experience has been with prep tables built by La Rosa. I have been selling their product (to those who are willing to pay more for top quality) for 40 years. That product has the lowest failure or service rate of other makes we sell.

George Mills
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Where do I get more info on these LaRosa tables? I can’t find anything about them anywhere.


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If you’re looking or higher end tables, I also like Kairaks. The cold rails are extremely cool (pun intended.)

Horror stories: True tables. Maybe not a complete horror story, but they’re cheap and just aren’t built very solid. Mine starting falling apart after 3 years, and it’s nearly impossible to get it to hold a good temperature. Right now, mine is going through a phase where is freezes everything rock solid even on the warmest setting.
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dont buy continental i have 2 67" preps with cold rails u can turn on and off. it is the the poorest design.if you leave it on it freezes everything u have to turn it on and off all day. and they are expensive. we were told it was better so when the food wasnt in there you can turn off the rail save energy.we called the company and they said its supposed to freeze then you turn it off and it stays cold but when the kitchen is a 90 degrees it melts the sides but the bottom freezes the food u have to leave it on.the drawers are also poor not buy poor product i think we paid 3600 3700 for each
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