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Looking for a easy and efficient way to prep tomatoes onions etc. We have used a dynamo its one of those crank type cutter lasted about 2 yrs and cost 300 bucks Any suggestions… Thanks in advance
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We have 2 Robot Coupe machines and would be lost without them. Come with various blades but we use one for mushrooms (thin slices), another for tomatoes (thin slices) and another to do both onions and capsicums (diced)
They are not cheap to buy but we find them the most effiecent and fastest if doing volume. Easy to operate and clean as well.

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I use a chef’s knife I found at the Salvation Army. Cost me 11 cents, after tax. Made in China.

I go to the shop in the morning, and dice up a fresh bunch of onion, and green pepper for the day. Anytime we use tomato, red pepper, or have the need to dice up some other stuff, we cut it up per order…with the knife.

I probably won’t be able to do this when we get busier, but it’s fun to be able to tell the dine-in customers how we treat their vegetables, and show them the knife that does all the work.

If ya’ll beg enough, I’ll even post a picture of my baby (the knife) :lol:
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Are you referring to the Dyna Cube? The bright orange thing with the crank handle. I found this to be my best option to date.
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Ahhhh gotta love those favorite knives. We have a “black” knife that has been around forever…it is funny that it still remains staff favorite. Prolly spent a couple of bucks at an auction.

We prep early. Handcut all our veggies every day. This also allows us time to prep other things. We make our own sauce, dough, cheese, pasta, laz and etc.

Really the only thing I wish we did do is slice our own turkey and roast beef. For some reason I balk at this when my husband mentions it.

Really don’t have the space and the thought of someone slicing their fingers freaks me out…and I clearly know there are other dangers lurking in our kitchen…but ugh… (We once had a kid stick his hand in the cheese grater to push the “curds” through. Idiot, grated his hand. Most horrible thing I ever witnessed and has made me obsessed I guess)

Fresh is always the best way to go…
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Yup, sounds like we’re in the majority here. We use a nice Chef’s knife to dice up the onion & peppers. We’ve got a Nemco tomato slicer and one of their hand-cranker deals for the cucumbers and such. Might be saving time on the tomatoes here pretty quick. Both our main suppliers are nailing us in the $48-$52 a bushel area for 5X6 slicers and in the mid-$40’s for stupid grape tomatoes. I think we’ll just sit this one out till the supply/price comes back in line.
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Yes i was refering to the dyna cube. Might have to try that one from nemco for dicing
Thanks guy’s you have been helpful
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