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Pricing Beer


New member
I recently got my liquor license and will start selling beer very soon, with wine and spirits to follow soon behind that. Until I have all my equipment in place I am going to be selling bottles only, with draft to follow.

My question is what are you selling you bottles for? Domestic, Imports and “Craft” Domestic?

Right now we have a small dine in that is quick serve, with full service dine in coming in the next few months.

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I start around 200% mark-up and go from there. *Although, I make an exception and price lower for very expensive brews. IE, cost is $10 per, I retail for $15. Cost is $1.65 per, I retail for $4.50, etc… For 2010, I’m enabling a price creep for brews, $3.00 to $3.50, $2.75 to $3.00, etc… These references are for bottles. Storage is a pain, but hey, sales are increasing!

I hear the real profit is from kegs.
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Check your competition. See what you can do. What are your laws with respect to Specials or 2 for 1.
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I think it depends on what you want to do, but… I agree to start wine at 200% and see what your customers have the stomach for. However, you should strongly consider box wine for your house. The black box wine is a little above $5.00 per bottle net and you can make good money while still keeping your prices low.

For draft beer and liquor you can (and should) do much better than 200%. I figure 3.5-4x for those items. Bud Light, for instance, is $.04/oz before waste. A 12 oz beer costs you less than $.50. Obviously, you don’t want to sell them for a dollar all the time. in fact $2.00 is pretty cheap. Keep your prices reasonable but not to cheap (so you can run specials). In my town there are lots of guys of a surprisingly diverse age-range that know when and where the cheapest beer specials are.
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Yes as stated above you should def check out your competitions pricing. Also you should consider whether you want to make real good money on beer or getting people to come and drink for cheap at your place which in essence will bring up your ticket average with the people ordering food and appetizers.

This new place by me sells beers for insanely cheap to get people in the door, but they’re always packed and he makes a killing off the food he sells to the patrons. He works off of volume rather than margins.
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