Product "arrangement" inside a Walk-In Cooler?


New member
Just trying to get an idea on how you all arrange your Walk-In Coolers?

Like if you carry 2-Liters and 20oz Bottles, Cheese, Meat, Produce/Vegetables, Subs, Chicken Wings, Pizza Sauces, Wing Sauces, and other Toppings and other miscellaneous items…

I figured that there was surely a simple “procedure” that most people follow?

In relation to where the over-head Fans are and the Door is… is there certain areas where certain things should be located at due to specific things needing more cool air or needing to be away from the Door or near the Door, or under the Fan or in front of the Fan, etc, etc…


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MY setup, facing in from door:
Right side of walkin are two racks along the wall back to the back wall with extra space (we cross stack the dough here to cool it down once it is made). On the first rack next to the door i store Meats(except chicken products) at the top (coldest spot), veggies on the next rack down, Third rack down is where i store all our chicken products and Last rack above the floor is where i store 20oz sodas.

The second rack has Sauces and cracker crusts on the top, 2nd rack has misc and overflow space. Under this rack is open space to store all my 2 liters.

Left side of walkin is just one rack and then open space to the back (stacked dough goes here for use). Top of rack has salad and misc products, Cheese below this and the lowest rack hold Sauce and any extra stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

I have a low profile 3 fan system that runs the length down the center of the walkin. At 6’2" if i am not careful my hair will get sucked into the fans (so much fun).

My product placements are based mostly off what i need to be the coldest and what can be the warmest. With the exception of the Chicken products, while yes they are not raw, i do not want anything leaking from a chicken product onto another food product. Hence the reason it is above the soda.
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As D9 mentioned, any storage of raw meats adds another element to placement.
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Our walkin door is centered on the short side, so it is deeper than wide. We have 2 shelves, 1 on each side of the door. Left rack top shelf is lettuce, cheese is on the 2 shelves below that. Lowest shelf if Pepperoni, misc bottled products. Right rack top shelf is deli meats. 2nd shelf is all prepped into cambros cheese and veggies. 3rd shelf is all prepped into cambros meats. 4th shelf is raw sausage, and precooked chicken products. Behind these shelves are the dough racks. 3 on the left, 2 on the right. We use dough racks w/ aluminum trays (sheet) for our dough. We use the top of the racks to store produce (mush, gr pep, tomato). The cooling unit is on the center of the back wall where there is nothing below it. We have our dough towards the back of the walkin so that it is not too close to the door. It stays colder here and doesn’t get too risen or blow. Even the different sizes of dough do better on certain racks depending on how cold that section of the cooler is.
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We have a large walk-in.
On the left first shelf unit sauce on lower level in 5 gal buckets, prepped cheese in trays on the second shelf, prepped salads, yeast, chopped garlic, pesto and other odds and ends above that. Second shelf unit is cases of cheese on lower and middle shelves, various sauces (BBQ, Buffalo, Asian) and cashews on upper shelf.

Shelves along back wall, meats on lower shelf. Prepped veggies on middle shelf, cases of fresh veggies on upper shelf.

To the right are dough trays on rollers. One stack small, on stack medium and two stacks large generally.

Immediate right are cases of soda.

General principal is closer to the door is older (use first)
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Ask your Health Department. They will give you advice on where items should be stored
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