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Propane vs Nat Gas


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Who uses Propane instead of Nat Gas?

my bill from centerpoint energy jumped $100 this month for a BULLSHIT thing called
Weather Normalization Adjustment so they don’t lose money during the warm weather

thinking of switching to Propane
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When we started out we had propane. Propane is priced like gasoline, meaning that the retailer sets a price and it varies from day to day depending on market conditions and how the price of tea is in China. Where it varies from gasoline pricing model is that the price is not shown anywhere so you don’t know what it costs until they bill you, and it is not quite so easy to choose a different retailer every week based on price. We found we were paying almost fifty cents a gallon more than the other restaurant in our center for propane from the same truck, and the guy across the street was paying about a dollar less. The explanation was that their system automatically increased prices when supply cost went up, but price decreases needed to be manually inputted and that is why everyone prices varied. As you can imagine I was quite pleased with this response and continued writing checks to this company. Our local gas and electric utility had just fun gas lines in our area and we contacted them about getting hooked up. When we switched to natural gas our fuel cost went down about 30 - 40% if I recall correctly, but you must take into account our propane guy was screwing us.
This left such a bad taste on my mouth that I refuse to upgrade our home kitchen to gas because we would have to use propane.
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My gas bill went from 1800/month to 800/month when I switched from propane to natural gas. oven cooks better too, more blue flame
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Maybe this will help… it takes approx 11 gallon of propane to equal 1 mcf of nat gas…
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Natural gas is cheaper by the gallon / cubic ft. It does provide about 9-10% less BTU’s by the unit.
Prices still compensates for that loss
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