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PST on disposables in British Columbia ???


Staff member
Not sure how many BC folks are here but I have a question…

One of my clients ordered stadium cups and said they were PST exempt because they were considered packaging…No problem if they are “selling” alcohol or food and use the stadium cups to package those products…But in this instance they are donating the cups to a “festival” who will use them in the beer garden…IMO my client is not making the sale, so I do not think the exemption applies…Any thoughts on this

As far as my end of things, if they give me an Exempt # I can get away without charging tax and i have no problems later on…I am just trying steer them in the right direction if they are wrong…I would not want to have them audited in the future…

PS…It appears this exemption also applies to pizza boxes, etc…so if you are not getting this exemption, you might want to look into it…
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