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What is everyone using for accounting, check writing etc… Quickbooks?
If so, is it fairly easy to learn? Or do you recommend taking a class??

I noticed online that there are a few different types. Quicken, Quickbooks and Quickbooks pro as well as an online version.
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From an accounting stand point Quickbooks has a flaw that can cause trouble if you are not careful. Every transaction has 2 entries one is where the money came from the other is where the money is going to. It is possible to delete only one side of a transaction which then becomes an accounting nightmare.

I use Simply Accounting by Sage. The above mentioned problem can’t happen with this software.
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Daddio…I don’t mean to start a border war, but…

As an Auditor in the USMC, I must point out, there is no ‘flaw’ in QuickBooks…perhaps it’s a lack of basic accounting or QB experience…

QB is an excellent option and with any software program, knowledge is the key.

One must also have a sound understanding of basic accounting principles in order to be successful in keeping ones own books…

In all double entry accounting software, all equations have a debit & a credit entry in each transaction…without it being in balance, you will not be able to continue…you can delete the entire entry tho & start over if needed…

I like QB, as I’ve used it for years and is far more popular in business and readily understood, do to its simplicity…

I like the inventory feature as well, as I can track my large food cost items on a daily basis…

BTW Daddio…my Grandfather comes from Leamington, Ontario and my Great Aunt worked @ the Heinz factory for 30 years…
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I like the inventory feature as well, as I can track my large food cost items on a daily basis…
Sorry to go OT, but do you not use the Point of Success Inventory module? I love that thing.
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Daddio…I don’t mean to start a border war, but…

As an Audito in the USMC, I must point out, there is no ‘flaw’ in QuickBooks…perhaps it’s a lack of basic accounting or QB experience…

QB is an excellent option and with any software program, knowledge is the key.

One must also have a sound understanding of basic accounting principles in order to be successful in keeping ones own books…

In all double entry accounting software, all equations have a debit & a credit entry in each transaction…without it being in balance, you will not be able to continue…you can delete the entire entry tho & start over if needed…

I like QB, as I’ve used it for years and is far more popular in business and readily understood, do to its simplicity…

I like the inventory feature as well, as I can track my large food cost items on a daily basis…

BTW Daddio…my Grandfather comes from Leamington, Ontario and my Great Aunt worked @ the Heinz factory for 30 years…
I know both sides of the border (was born in Denver)so no worries about starting a war. The reason I pointed out the flaw is because as a computer tech with an accounting degree I have had to fix the problem for a number of clients that accidentally deleted 1/2 a journal entry with no way for them to correct the mistake.
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No, Piper, I don’t use the add-on module…

I’m still old school on that…I understand the principal and theory behind a ‘virtual’ system like that, but it can be misleading…

It’ll never catch employee theft nor gross stupidity…

It will give you an idea of where to begin to look for issues, but its not slam dunk to find problems…

But if Jeff wants to let me ‘test drive’ it, welll…lol…

Daddio…I can barely change the oil in my car these days…and most business folks have a poor understanding of accounting principles and therefore make crazy mistakes…

I’ve seen folks do GJ entries just to make things balance again or to improve profitability…
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To the original poster - QB is easy to use for basic stuff like check writing and such. The deeper down the rabbit hole you choose to go the more you do need to know how the software works and taking a class is recomended.

I use QB Pro and my accountant told me NOT to update to 2013 version so I am still on 2011 version. She does my deeper books and I do the basics thus we share the QB file back and forth.

Since my accountant does books for many Fortune 500 companies and only vouches for QB, I trust it is the best in the business.
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Funny 314…I’ve never updated my QB in 10+ years…lol…it’s simple & works…I never needed all the lights, bells & whistles in all the updates…

But I might miss out on some of the payroll features, as the tax tables can’t be updated…but I use on online service for PR…
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I use use a version from 1995…Will not work on my Win 7.0 computer so I have an old XP one for QuickBooks, my scanner and a couple other programs that will not run on Win 7.0…QuickBook 4.5 is so small it runs on a 4.0 gb USB stick…
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Im currently using quickbooks premiere 2003. Even use it for my personal finances. Only thing I dont like about quickbooks is its inventory method (average cost). I’ve heard a certain edition of the newer version has the ability to do FIFO and LIFO, but i’ve yet to sit down with a copy and play with it.
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I just ordered the Quickbooks online. My accountant was saying it’s much easier that he can access it from his office.

I also decided to use ADP for the payroll.

7 weeks until I open. I’m sure it will fly by. That’s two items knocked off the list.

Thanks for all your help!
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