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Quiznos Files for Bankruptcy

It finally happened!
there has been class action lawsuits against “Q” corporate in the past due to their mandatory sandwich specials, and the supplies requirement .

I’ve been bidding on various Quizno’s equipment from failing franchises for years now, they’ve been dropping like flies in the midwest.
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Poor franchisees. I feel for 'em. I see them on Craigslist all the time, begging to get out.
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I blame…

Well, that and the fact that their point-of-differentiation was easily countered by Subway adding toaster ovens to every store. But mostly I blame the creepy furry things.
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ha! “We got a pepper bar!” i remember thinking why would a restaurant have rats as their spokesman…but i think it worked for them…hey I still remember the jingles. to bad their food sucks.
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