Radio advertising


New member
Hey everyone,

I wanted to check and see who on here uses radio advertising and how it works for you. I was looking to advertise with our local radio station and was looking for ideas using it.

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I do what they call down here in Milwaukee Dine for Less. It is were the radio station promotes your store all week 60 times on air and a continuous streaming on their web site. In return they sell 2- $25.00 gift cards for 25.00 and the radio station keeps all the money. They sell 100 of these and the station also keep 20 of them as give a ways to the radio personal. Total 120 gift cards. I do it on a talk radio format. It WORKS very well for me. WISN 1130 AM I do it twice a year. Once when the finals in collage basketball and once in the late fall for Black Friday gift ideas. I sell out in a matter of seconds once they go on sale on line.
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We’re in a rural area, so we don’t have a radio station specific to our area. But we have advertised when a station is covering the local high school football game and saw decent return on it. It was relatively cheap and helped to get the word out about us.
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I do what they call down here in Milwaukee Dine for Less. It is were the radio station promotes your store all week 60 times on air and a continuous streaming on their web site. In return they sell 2- $25.00 gift cards for 25.00 and the radio station keeps all the money. They sell 100 of these and the station also keep 20 of them as give a ways to the radio personal. Total 120 gift cards. I do it on a talk radio format. It WORKS very well for me. WISN 1130 AM I do it twice a year. Once when the finals in collage basketball and once in the late fall for Black Friday gift ideas. I sell out in a matter of seconds once they go on sale on line.
Are you seeing repeat customers with that deal?

I did a promo just like that up here with a television station, The manager called to tell us they set a new record by selling out in 12 minutes.
It brought people in from out fo our area, But, I saw very few repeats from those that purchased the offer, and those that I did see again mostly only wanted more coupons & freebies.
I have avoided groupon due to the horror stories that I have heard from many restaurants who have tried their program, and being stuck in that “Only with a coupon crowd” does not appeal to me very much.

Our most liked promo is a “10% off entire order” coupon (excluding alcohol) that the local high school baseball team does for a fundraiser in the form of a coupon book that people must purchase to get. It costs us nothing to be part of it, and it brings in the target demographic that we want. Not just people looking for deals and who will never patronize you without some sort ridiculous deal. (thinking of extreme cheapskates TV show right now)
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