Raw pre-sheeted dough


New member
Hi all.

Right now a mixer isn’t an option and finding employees has been a rough ride.

I’m looking for suggestions on pre-sheeted dough. Any suggestions?

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Yep, Rich’s FTW! Only downside is cost. Customers compliment our crust often & I tell them it’s because we let the professionals make it. 🙂

Employees will be a rough ride from here on out…kids are traveling hundreds of miles every weekend to play a sport, instead of working part-time service industry jobs learning real life skills…I’d better stop there. :cool:
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Thanks. If I could keep it under a $1 a piece it would work. Unfortunately I can’t charge what I normally would for a pie, income levels in the area don’t support it.
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Do you have a small retail bakery in your area where you might have them make the pre-made pizza skins for you? It’s a no-brainer for any bakery to make pizza skins, the dough formula is nothing special, just mix to a smooth dough consistency, scale and ball, oil the dough balls, cold ferment for 24-hours if possible, if not ferment at room temperature as long as possible (assuming this will be less than 6-hours), then open into pizza skins by passing the dough ball(s) through a dough sheeter, place onto pizza screens and freeze for about 30-minutes, then stack 5 high with a piece of parchment paper between each skin, plastic bag and leave in the freezer overnight before sending out to your store.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom… What happen to the taste? is there difference in freshly opened ball vs what you mentioned?
For BPS it is out of necessity in crunch time but you would not recommend it , correct?
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I’m near Asheville, NC if someone knows a good bakery that could do this. Thanks!
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Tom… What happen to the taste? is there difference in freshly opened ball vs what you mentioned?
For BPS it is out of necessity in crunch time but you would not recommend it , correct?
Frozen dough will seldom, if ever be as good flavor wise as a fresh made and well fermented dough, but to each his own. In some applications it might work quite well. The greatest resistance to using frozen dough is not the flavor of the finished crust but rather the cost. Using frozen dough isn’t all that much different that what you get from a commercially made frozen pizza, and despite what one might think, they do sell quite well so we shouldn’t nick frozen dough too hard on the flavor aspect. If they could get the dough made by a local bakery they could get it with more fermentation on it and thus achieve a more typical “pizzeria” pizza type of flavor profile.
In the end though you do what ya gotta do to make a product.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks for all the replies! It seems a local bakery doing pizza dough us harder to find than I thought. I’ll see what distribution offers and then go from there.
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It seems a local bakery doing pizza dough us harder to find than I thought.
In the end they don’t make any money doing it. By the time they pay for ingredients and labor they can’t make a profit unless they are selling it to you for quite a bit more than products like Rich’s frozen doughballs. We made dough for another shop and charged $1.85 per doughball to do it (25oz). Since we were making 50-100 per day and we could do it while we made our own it worked for us.

The Rich’s frozen doughballs proof up nicely and you do get some of that fermentation characteristic with them vs a pre-formed round. I would stay away from the sheeted rounds and go with doughballs. It solves your mixer/employee problem but still gives you pretty good quality. The only downside is price compared to making your own but there is no getting around that.
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If it’s really bad for you, maybe you should buy pizza dough from your bread guy, or local dough guy if you have one. I have 2 in my area that’s what I use I pay .05 cents an ounce.
I’d suggest you try a sheeter to do the initial stretch. Then finish it yourself
I’d think this would setup would be a nice middle of the road solution to your dilemma
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Frozen dough will seldom, if ever be as good flavor wise as a fresh made and well fermented dough, but to each his own. In some applications it might work quite well. The greatest resistance to using frozen dough is not the flavor of the finished crust but rather the cost. Using frozen dough isn’t all that much different that what you get from a commercially made frozen pizza, and despite what one might think, they do sell quite well so we shouldn’t nick frozen dough too hard on the flavor aspect. If they could get the dough made by a local bakery they could get it with more fermentation on it and thus achieve a more typical “pizzeria” pizza type of flavor profile.
In the end though you do what ya gotta do to make a product.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Tom… I am not degrading anything or anyone for that matter, every concept has it’s own audience, i would not use frozen, i am strictly talking about my own preference, again never say never. Life is full of surprises. i will leave it at that…
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Hi everyone! We may be partial, but we agree - partnering with your local bakery to fulfill your dough needs may be a great alternative. Some of them also sell their products to local supermarkets. If your local retail shop is unable to accommodate, we would also recommend looking towards wholesale bakeries in your area (they are already used to producing large quantities and may be able to easily accommodate a regular order).

If it helps, we are aware that in the metropolitan New York/Northern New Jersey area, on the bakeries selling pizza dough is Zinicola Baking Co. in Nutley, NJ: https://www.facebook.com/ZinicolaBakingCo/
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Well, here’s an update. I decided to buy through distro and hand stretch all pizza myself. Finding help in this town is very hard but as the saying goes no pain, no gain.
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