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Ready to sell


New member
Well folks,

It has been a long time. We have been in business 12 1/2 years but our other retail business and my business brokerage, appraisal, and leasing work are gobbling up the calendar and it is time for a change.

I was trying to sell the business three and four years ago before the darn economy went south. Things are significantly better now it has been 18 months since the turn. In particular, the last 10 months show a steep upward trend with monthly comp increases between 20 and 45%. Our 365 day rolling comparable is now up 25% and we are entering the best 150 day period of the year.

My manager has been making some noises about buying the business but so far has taken no concrete steps. I have decided to actively seek a buyer for the business and, if the buyer is interested, the real estate. We are fortunate enough to own our location.

So… If you know anyone that is just dying to own a pizza business in a Colorado ski town: tell them how to find me. In the meantime, wish me the best.
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I hope you and Nick aren’t starting a trend. LOL

Happy for you! I am sure you will have some buyers knocking soon! Sure hope you still stop in and keep us all in line!

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I wish.

I’ve made a few comments to my wife about closing for the 2 weeks after Christmas, getting a delivery gig with you for a couple weeks and heading to the Rockies for a working vacation.
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Our drivers make bank during the holidays to be sure. The best ones make about $150 per night in tips during our hell week.
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Steve they have too because the next week they all needs tires, a tuneup, brakes, wiper blades for the new windshield, transmission work, headlights, brake lights, I would say turn signals but they dont use them, oh and a new Christmas tree air freshener for their nonexsistant rear view mirror! Dang…with all this running around for repairs I think the tires need rotated already and maybe another set of brakes! :shock:
Mike, they are driving my cars and burning my gas and tires etc ect. They keep every nickle of those tips.
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I know…I was just saying… 😛 That is actually what makes it so interesting… they want reimbursement for maintenance on company owned vehicles!!! Just write the check! 8)
I will like to sall my pizza place in Las Vegas - any seriose bayers can call me @ 702-338-2853 Tony
The full moon was just the other night… I sallied out and was baying at it in the hot tub. Does that count as “seriose”?
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