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Record June?


New member
From October 2006 through September 2008 (24 months total) we had 18 record months and every one of the 12 months of the year had it’s all-time record during that period. Since Sept 2008, we have not had a single record… until now.

As of yesterday’s business, June is already the second best ever and we are 2K away from breaking our old record for June with four days to go.

Whew. That was a long dry spell!

What put us over the top was a direct mail that was designed to attract first time internet orders. We have added about 200 new internet accounts so far and we are just 3 weeks from the mailing drop date. For us that means we have one good week of response and a couple more so-so weeks to go. the offers expire July 31, but do not expect to see much response after about the 15th. I think we should hit 300 new internet users and a total of about 500 orders using the offers in the mailing.
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OK… it is official. We passed our record for the month of June at the end of the day Tuesday. Nice!

We are just coming to our 12th anniversary in business. We had a heck of a run up in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008… but then things got a lot tougher.
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Nice to see a turn around.
We are beginning to see sales pre GFC - a time when we were flying and actually making some money. The last two years have been alright but not at the pre GFC levels but enough to hang in there.
We have just put together 6 or 7 strong sales weeks and the trend looks good for another this week but unfortunately increased costs in utilities, wages and rent have outstripped any financial gains we are making. New priced menu comes out this month which hopefully gets us back in front.
It’s hard and getting harder to stay in front, but nothing another $2 - 3k per week wouldn’t fix 🙂
Just hope yoour good luck continues Steve and the flow reaches everyone else.
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Great news, Congrats!!!

We are coming up on our 52nd anniversary. This June was also our busiest month ever. It was nice having two 4k days in a row to finish out the month.

Just think July has 5 full weekends!
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A little throwback and shout out to an old friend and your success, Steve . . . .


Keep at it . . .work those locals for a great off season climb up the gross sales. You have something working and I hope the wave keeps going for you.
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We haven’t set any records but this has been the best first half of the year since 2005. Up 20% over last year- which isn’t say a whole lot and up 3.5% over 2008 which was a really good year for us. After last year all it takes is one bad Friday to make me think this great start is stopping. Now I probably jinxed myself with this post. :roll:
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My June was my second best June in the 14 years I’ve been in business. Up nearly 20% over last year and down only 1.5% from 2008 which was my best ever. I’m definitely seeing my sales making a comeback and expect that this year will finish as my second best ever.
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Finally got our June summaries done. Both stores were within $100 of their record months. The really surprising thing (I must have blanked out of my memory) was just how awful June 2010 was - worst overall month in years and years!
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We wouldn’t actually say ours was a record June but you can’t wipe the smile off my face after too many months of below former sales months. We have put together 9 out of the last 11 weeks at the levels of the pre GFC, and this week is headed the same way with an above average week expected.
Only problem is that costs are muvh higher than pre GFC so the bottom line is still thin, but much improvement on the past 12 - 15 months.
The light at the end of the tunel is now not the train so we are looking at a brighter future, especially with our firts new menu in 20 months coming out in the next few weeks. This should add around $500 a week to the profit line which will offset new wages increases and proposed extra taxes as our Federal Governments implements their Emmission Trading Levies (Carbon Tax).
None the less we are much more comfortable than we were 3 months ago.
Just another $1 - $1.5K to our sales per week will be great and we have some strategies in place to get there, so here’s hoping.
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both my stores had record junes. one was up about 25% and the other 40%

July is up about 25% and 50% at the other
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Just finished the week with the highest weekly sale ever and the biggest Saturday night ever - even bigger than Friday which was a very strong night.
School holidays are now on and sales are normally up for the 2 weeks, plus the final Harry Potter movie starts on Wednesday. We have the largest cinema comple in the northern suburbs in our complex and only 20 metres down the carpark from us so we are hoping fro a big sales boost this week.
We have now recorded 9 strong sales weeks in the last 12 so here’s hoping it keeps up.

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