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Removing Buildup On Dining Room Tables


New member
For the longest time, I thought my dining room tables just had a lot of scuffs and discoloration on them. It doesn’t look bad, and you can’t really see it unless you’re trying too or standing back so the light hits it right.

I realized this week that it’s not what I thought, it’s actually years and years worth of buildup from greasy finger prints and dishes. I’ve tried several things with limited success to try and get it off. Vinegar (nothing), Olive Oil + Lemon Juice mixture (best results so far), CLR (minor results), oven cleaner (minor results), adhesive remover (limited results).

Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Try the highest concentration of Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol you can find. It’s a great solvent and it’s cheap. This is what I use to take greasy buildup off of phone buttons, keyboards and the tops of computer monitors (you gotta rest your hand there while you’re taking the order, you know). Even if it fails on your table tops, you can use it to clean your electronic stuff.
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Hey Indie… are these wood tables? If so, try straight lemon juice with #0000 steel wool. As long as you had a pretty good finish to start with you will only take off the build up. Don’t be too shy with the juice. Good luck.
I’ve never found anything that “Jolt” will not remove. It’s a commercial degreaser… Warning! It will actually etch glass if left on, so watch the overspray. And no, it is not “dangerous” to use. And “this product is just as good as Jolt” is never true.
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