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Repeat Returns and Revention


New member
Just sign up for repeat returns and had it integrated with our Revention pos Having problems with people who order online not getting their points for being reward members.
Just wondering if any about else has this problem and can give me advice on how to fix it.

Thank You
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I use both RR and Revention in my store. My experience has been that if people are ordering online, and not getting points, it was because they are using a different number then the one they signed up with. With the exception of carryout (web pick-up), for some reason it does not give points ever.

The previous owner tried to get it fixed but was never able to.
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Thank you for the response. How is the best way you found to sign people up and do you need to enter in all the sign ups into Revention before they can start earning points or is there an easier way to do this?

Thank You
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The issue is deeper than that. The phone numbers match but Reventions ONLINE ORDERING has to match 100% the listing in the POS or it creates a whole new listing for that customer. You can merge them to their other one that is IN the system already. Merge the POS to the NEW ONLINE entry and it is solved. If Revention would just have a feature in the ONLINE DB to MATCH POS first the problem would never exist…as d9phoenix said (I’m the former owner) I have tried to convey this to Revention but that would require them re-writing some of the code and they have no desire to fix it.
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