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Repeat Returns in a small market


New member
Anyone have an opinion on Repeat Returns that is in a smaller market say less then 12,000 people? Is it worth the $250 a month investment?
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I believe in the program but you only get out of it what you put into it. It is not auto-pilot so if your not aggressively adding customers then you wont get the results.

In a small town it may be even better but you have to personalize it even more.
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I have been using repeat returns almost 3 years and could not be happier. My store is in a village of 5000 people. I have a little over 1200 customers signed up and and I can tell that they spend more and more often than before I started repeat returns. The people in Kamrons office are very good at what they do. It does almost run on auto pilot and when you want to add a special just call and it is done in a matter of minutes. Yes it does cost a couple hundred a month but it makes up for it in more sale and loyal customers that are not spending money at your competitors. Well worth the money.
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Just try and pry it from my DEAD COLD HANDS!..It does take some effort to start getting people signed up, (Good Servers and Order takers are priceless and woth their weight in Cheese!) once you start to get them rolling and approach the 800-1000 sign ups, the value becomes unmistakeable!
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Thin2win… I really appreciate the kind (and dramatic) words…

Thank you…

Be sure and Call the office to get Friend Factory turned on - it is VERY cool.

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Can’t you write off the cost for Repeat Returns by calling it marketing or advertising? Then it would be a win win…
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It works great in a my large market - I think it would work great in your small market. It all depends on getting people enrolled like everyone says.
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