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New member started selling deals without my approval. Has anyone had this happen to them?
I am extremely pissed
I Hate half price deals so this is something I would never do

Now I have have to waste time with them and my staff about what to do. This cost me money
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I contacted them this morning. They took it down. I explained to them a simple apology was not going to cut it as I now have time and money involved.

I am waiting on a call from a “manager”.

I am not sure what direction to go with this
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Definitely put something in writing explaining the wrong that was done and what your ‘losses’ are in the matter. Documentation is king when you get to negotiating, and the sooner the better to protect yourself from it happening again ‘by accident’. Even an amiable little letter to start the conversation.
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Losses extend to “punitive” in this case…at least in my mind. Sounds like these guys need to learn a lesson. If you are really angry, maybe consider employing an attorney, especially if your brother-in-law is an attorney. The legal costs could easily outweigh the monetary rewards here, but a very simple, but well thought out, letter written on the letterhead of an attorney would be very inexpensive, and just might prove to be productive.
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HATED that website! Don’t think the people that bought through them understood all the conditions that go with what they buy…

With that said, sounds like they need to be coughing up info on how many they sold and then issuing you payment for all that, especially if you decide to honor the certificates… They’ve put you in a tough spot here, either honor the certificates at a loss to you (unless they pay you full value of the certificate), or risk aggravating a few customers by not accepting them because they aren’t legit. I wonder if it would be a good idea to have the newspaper and college newspaper run a quick bit about how you were victim of a scam and that those certificates aren’t legit. They could even spin it as a consumer education piece.
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