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Restaurant Depot urgent responses needed


New member
Does restaurant depot or sams CARRY on site pizza boxes? Been doing a fair and we are not gonna have enough boxes for sure to get us through sunday! 16" Anyway there is a restaurant depot in St. Louis (about 50 miles) but they open at 7:00. Also a sam’s is in the same area…do they have them? (I can only go tomorrow in am cuz I gotta work to make the pizzas all day next two days. Looking to do tons! Whooo hooo!

Any help fast would be appreciated.
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The Restaurant Depot in San Jose, Ca carries many sizes up to 24" but I’m not sure if all branches carry the same products. Call the St Louis branch to see if they have 16" or larger in stock. The phone Number is (314)644-4500 open tomorrow at 7am on Saturday. I’d bet they have what you need and wouldn’t hesitate to be the first through the door tomorrow morning.
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The Sam’s here at one time sold them by the case at the Food Court. They had 16†boxes. Not sure what they looked like or if they still have them.

Happy hunting.
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16" is the standard out here, and they have them.

Make sure you have a membership card before you go. THey need all your tax info to get a membership card.
Don’t hesitate to call them in the morning to find out if that specific store has them in stock.
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I had a box emergency once and couldn’t get them from my supplier because it was Memorial Day weekend. I called another pizza shop that is about 10 miles from me (so not really a competitor) and the owner was happy to lend me a case.

Just another idea if it can save you a 100 mile round trip journey.
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Kris,if you do go the route of asking another pizza shop for boxes make sure they aren’t custom made boxes. You don’t want to be sending out your great tasting pizza in a box with someone else’s name. We had another shop ask to borrow some boxes once but since ours have our restaurant name on them we had to decline.
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Kris - I shop the RD in KC and they always have a hefty supply of 16" boxes, I would assume the RD in STL would be the same.
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Thanks for all the help. Spent most of Friday night early am hours wondering…got at RD right at 7 and thankfully they had 16" boxes. They are e flute but we actually saved on boxes. I also picked up cheese and flour. SAVED 270 bucks on just that trip. Cheese alone was 30 cents cheaper a pound.

We are gonna go back next week and look around and price…some of the stuff I glanced through while making a mad dash around the store was quite a bit cheaper than we are paying and it is the same product we currently use.

Last day of the fair…we have done just over 300 pizzas so far and they had projected about 250 for the whole fair. Soooo hopefully today will be another great day!

Thanks again,

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