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Restaurant Experience


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I have none. I would like to get some as at some point in a few years or so, after careful planning, I would like to open a pizzeria. I don’t want to quit my current job as it is pretty good and I would imagine I would be taking a pay cut to be a pizza cook which is counterproductive to saving money needed to start the business. I don’t think anybody is going to hire me for only like 10 hours a week, especially if I tell them that I am just doing it so I can gain the experience I want to compete with them in the future. What can I do? Should I look into like a culinary class or something?
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Don’t tell them your plans they don’t need to know your life plan. It’s a job, let them know what hours you can work and if they want to hire you then great. You need to do what you need to do.
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Forget the culinary class it gives you a false sense of “knowing it all” someone will hire you 10 hrs no problem. I suggest finding a super busy location aNd jumping in get yelled at make mistakes learn the pressure and what it takes( its not nearly as easy as most people think) then in 6 months go to another place and learn their ins and outs. Wirk at indys and corporates, pick and chose what you think works best
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I wish i had some corporate experience, the training and procedures would really come in handy now, its my weak point i dont know how to train anyone to the point i can focus on something else
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Anybody can learn how to make pizzas, that’s the easy part. Find a job where you can develop your managerial and business operation skills, dive in, engage, and don’t simply move around from place to place every 6 months. Find a complementary business that you won’t be directly competing with if you start your own, and if the owners are willing enough, and you prove yourself to be a good employee, they should be happy to take you under their wing and show you the ropes. Just my two cents.
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Hell, ask to be an intern somewhere.

I worked at a pizzeria for about a year and half, joined the navy because I didn’t want to work in a pizza place the rest of my life, and got out last year after 13 years and opened a pizzeria. I think understanding the pace of a rush is the most important thing you can learn in a restaurant, but this isn’t rocket science either. Sound business practices will get you somewhere.
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Thanks for the input everyone. I’ve had lots of high volume, high pressure managerial customer facing experiences and I have a degree in finance so I am really more concerned with the aspect of learning all the little efficiency gains in and around the kitchen so that I can be as productive as possible as early as possible. I’ll keep my eye on the wanted ads. Thanks again
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Are you good at multitasking?
Go apply at a dominos or jets, that’ll get you started, I can almost guarantee several places would love to have a person one day a week to help out during the busiest periods.
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I have never had any experience of making pizza too. What I do is watch my Dad. ( I am his daughter Paulene 8 years old).
Learning the rhythms of the restaurant is important, even more important is to learn to have fun while working. Don’t take it too seriously. Read “Pizza Today” also read “PMQ Magazine” go to different pizzerias and observe closely. Something I look for when I go out to eat is “The Feel” of the place. Would it be fun to work there ? If its fun to work there then its fun to eat there too ! :cool:
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I’m great at multitasking. I worked at Enterprise rent a car for 3 years. You would not believe the sheer insanity that entails. I washed cars in suits, dealt with angry customers, and dealt with insane rushes of people. People would literally line up outside the door before we opened sometimes and stare through the windows at us. They would even knock on the window. And we didn’t have any cars for them, cuz well you know how the Seinfeld bit goes. Gotta love the rental world…Not. I’m currently an insurance adjustor in Michigan so I handle an extremely high volume of phone calls while setting up repairs, investigating coverage, and determining liability. I’m going to find a place to work a few hours a week so I can figure out how to translate those skills into this business. Thanks again
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I’ve been in the pizza business for about a year and a half (and, since I don’t make my own dough, I’m sure many people will tell you I’m still not in the pizza business) and I don’t know if I can recommend my path to get here, though it has worked for me. When I decided that this was what I wanted to do, I took a retail job at a small, family owned business where I was probably overqualified, but I learned all about ordering, receiving and tracking inventory, and so many other things that go into running your own small business that I still use today. I also tried to absorb any information I could. I watched shows like Kitchen Nightmares, Restaurant Impossible and Bar Rescue, through the prism of knowing that they are edited and produced for television, to see where many people go wrong. Then I would take those ideas and research issues in real life situations, concentrating on things like food safety first of all. Even after taking over and, according to customer feedback, improving the place, I have been constantly learning new things any chance I can. Places like right here, the PMQ and Pizza Today magazines, and just talking to other restaurant owners. My supplier sales reps were a big help. Keep in mind that their job is to sell you things, but it’s also in their interest for your business to be successful, because the more you sell, the more you buy. Going to the NAPICS show this week brought a ton of information too. We made mistakes in the beginning. The most expensive being buying equipment in the that we didn’t know wouldn’t fit our needs. We still make mistakes, but we have gotten better at managing them and their effect. About 6 months ago, after a disagreement with my family about the direction of our business, I left and took a job training to manage a Subway. There I learned a ton about streamlining operations and got ideas for how I could adapt those into my own higher quality ingredients. When we both realized we were better off with each other than apart, I came back after a month and a half with a renewed desire to take this place higher and higher. We’re finally moving towards that now, although it’s going slower than I would like.

This is a long winded way of saying that experience can come from any number of different places. There are some things that you just plain can’t learn until you get your hands in some cheese and get your knuckles burnt a few times on the oven. But the more info you can absorb, the better you can lessen the pain of your mistakes. Also keep in mind how the info you gather relates to your specific situation. Good luck!
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I’m in temperance mi. I know its kinda far but you could come check us out for a road trip some day. I could show you around the store and kinda how and why we do things if youre interested. We have a 55 seat shop with a twice daily buffet. We also do pick up and delivery
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