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Revention and Hungerrush update**


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Long story short… We had to keep revention and hungerrush going on one unit for a few weeks while RTO works on our new online ordering platform. The day after I posted on here that we were switched over and rockin’ and rolling with Speedline, take a guess at what just magically started getting turned off throughout our rushes??? Yup, online ordering kept getting manually turned off somehow and considering I’m the only one within our organization that knows how to do it, its pretty clear whats going on… We would be in the middle of the rush with dozens of online orders coming through and then nothing for 2 hours! My manager would call and let me know and I would go into the system and literally see it turned off. LoL… So I would sit on the system and wait for it to get turned off, so they figured out another way to screw us. After 3 and half years of never having an issue with Hungerrush all the sudden our delivery range geofence got deleted! I loaded it back in and a few hours later the orders stopped coming in again, I check and found that someone had switched our delivery range to “0” miles radius. Now it just doesn’t work. When we call to talk to customer service they say… “gee everything is fine on our end”… LOL. If you’ve read any of my posts and are still considering either company, you’re a damn fool. And to the next revention rep who will inevitably read this within the next few hours, eat a dick…
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You were actually able to get in touch with RTO? I figured I’d give them a shot at our business a few months back and I never heard back from them after multiple attempts.

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A few months ago I was looking into Revention because I really liked the way there online order system integrated with an e-mail and loyalty program. There is zero chance given what I have read on here that I would ever switch to them now.
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A few months ago I was looking into Revention because I really liked the way there online order system integrated with an e-mail and loyalty program. There is zero chance given what I have read on here that I would ever switch to them now.
Speedline can integrate with brygid, who then can integrate with eWordOfMouth which is a nice loyalty program that includes emails as well, but we discontinued EWOM after we decided it wasn’t worth the price per month

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You were actually able to get in touch with RTO? I figured I’d give them a shot at our business a few months back and I never heard back from them after multiple attempts.

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Uhhh It hasn’t been easy, not gonna lie.
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Very scary. I would never consider revention after reading this. Totally unprofessional.

Nate , check your audit log.

Would love to hear reventions response to this. This guy paid for your system , encountered numerous problems , & vented here. All us owners want is complete uptime and reliability in our systems. Its clear you failed here.

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Very scary. I would never consider revention after reading this. Totally unprofessional.

Nate , check your audit log.

Would love to hear reventions response to this. This guy paid for your system , encountered numerous problems , & vented here. All us owners want is complete uptime and reliability in our systems. Its clear you failed here.

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Dude, some a-hole called and threatened to just turn our stuff off… lol . Which they have done with our online ordering. Crazy stuff. The fact of the matter is they just cant handle our business and in light of that they panicked and treated us like shit. I would have more respect if they just admitted it was out of their league… oh well.
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Unbelievable you should record their phone calls and then post them here hahahaha

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Dude, some a-hole called and threatened to just turn our stuff off… lol . Which they have done with our online ordering. Crazy stuff. The fact of the matter is they just cant handle our business and in light of that they panicked and treated us like shit. I would have more respect if they just admitted it was out of their league… oh well.
Well it sounds like Revention has not changed since we left. The unprofessional actions seem to have gotten worse…
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Wonder how much of their facility is under water at the moment (they are based in Houston). Tho i have no sympathy for the company, i do for the good employee’s i have worked with.
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This will be the final post from Revention on this topic.

The truth will be told, Revention did threaten to disconnect services to Krazy Karl’s due to an 80+ day delinquent payment that was in the 5 digits ($ ??,???).

As Nate mentioned, Revention’s HungerRush platform is solid and had zero problems for 3.5 years until the system was modified. A manager from his location called at 2:15 AM into our 24/7 Call Center to open a case. After reviewing the details and calling the manager back, the manager said Nate turned off online ordering and that both locations do not use any Revention services. This is logged by our service team and on recorded lines. We actually allowed Nate to cancel signed service contracts without any penalties. Consider it a farewell gift.

Revention’s HungerRush platform processes more than a Billion in sales and is in the top 4 online ordering service providers in the US. A large percentage of the pizza industry is processing orders through this platform with great success and reliability.

Regarding the capacity concerns for Nate, he had a configuration issue that he couldn’t find time to troubleshoot with our service team. More than 20 logged calls stating, “I don’t have time, that shipped has sailed, etc.”

Revention is used in many of the highest volume pizza places without issue. Our highest volume location does around 20 Million at a “1” location and we service delivery concepts that staff up to 50 drivers on a Friday night. If anyone would like to speak with these owners directly about their business and experience with Revention, I can refer you to them.

Live Nation Music Venues and Amusement Parks throughout the US use Revention, trust me this location was not overpowering the point of sale capacity. Again this can be backed up with public information.

Revention has been is business for 15 years and has over 10,000 different customers worldwide including many chains that span between 10-3000 locations. Anyone needing a reference, please let me know.

We and most businesses will not tolerate excessive verbal abuse, but we do try to calm the situation to prevent dissatisfaction.

Nate with Krazy Karl’s has used extremely offensive language with many Revention employees during our history together. It was necessary to add him to the list of people (now only 8) that we simply cannot tolerate in a business relationship. These people take away our time from our many thousands of Revention advocates.

His verbal assaults towards Revention employees trying to help are very similar to the negative Yelp reviews (and other review sites) that specifically mention his lack of control and the customer is always wrong mindset. This can also be validated by anyone online.

If you are seeking answers to any Revention questions regarding professionalism, integrity, or business practices, I will gladly provide facts or you can research on your own by talking with legitimate owner operators that use Revention’s current platform.

We will shut down speculation or falsified information and concentrate our time on building our customers revenue like we have proven to do over the years.

I would be happy to speak with anyone to clarify the facts.

We wish you the best of luck Nate.
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Well Laura i only read the first paragraph before i stopped reading. But i will tell you, i have never been in the rear with regards to payments to Revention and twice this year someone who works there has threatened to cut off my service because of what i said here.

So i do not believe anything you said, it might be true. But it no longer matters as your company has destroyed all your credibility thru it’s recent actions.
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This will be the final post from Revention on this topic. I’ll continue to post as to help protect fellow pizza shop owners and GM’s. Feel free to contact me anytime. As a matter of fact Speedline has ask if I’d be willing to speak to owners who are considering Retention over their product. Of course will be as helpful as I can be with straight facts!

The truth will be told, Revention did threaten to disconnect services to Krazy Karl’s due to an 80+ day delinquent payment that was in the 5 digits ($ ??,???). Actually…… When we bought the system for our second store there was a deal where we could have $10,000 off the tab if we send them “literally any piece of equipment large or small, broken or functioning”. The sales guy said he actually didn’t really care if we sent it at all. He needed to make the sale. Fast forward to last Spring I get a call from a “Kevin” who literally just wants to talk about why I had posted on PMQ about them. I told him, its because we have a mountain of problems. I said there were too many to go over over the phone and that my GM would email with the list and if they didn’t get resolved we’d be moving on. He got pissed and just said “Im just gonna turn off the system since it sucks so bad for you”. Lol. I said just watch for the email and get the stuff fixed. THE NEXT DAY : I received a call at 7:15 am from a customer service agent from Revention and he said there was an audit performed and they found that we owed them $10,000! Turns our it was because of the piece of equipment that they really didn’t care about ( PS: it was a broken kitchen printer ). We paid the $10,000 off literally that afternoon. There was never any notice of being delinquent, thats just a straight up lie. Later in another phone conversation with Kevin he stated that “funny things tend to happen if you piss off the higher ups around here”.

As Nate mentioned, Revention’s HungerRush platform is solid and had zero problems for 3.5 years until the system was modified. A manager from his location called at 2:15 AM into our 24/7 Call Center to open a case. After reviewing the details and calling the manager back, the manager said Nate turned off online ordering and that both locations do not use any Revention services. This is logged by our service team and on recorded lines. We actually allowed Nate to cancel signed service contracts without any penalties. Consider it a farewell gift. Actually, I’m fully aware of how to turn on and off the system. My GM and I both attempted to turn the system on and it never worked again. So are you saying that I took down my own geofence and then a day later set our delivery radius to 0 miles?? lol. CANCELLED SERVICE? I have still never actually called and cancelled the service and neither has my GM!! Thats hilarious that you guys cancelled the service after you spoke to one of closing shift managers?? Amazing job Revention! I hope people are reading this carefully, as I sit here writing this response we still have 17 active licenses with what we thought was an active Hungerrush. Except it appears they allowed a $9.50/hr employee authorize its cancellation… LAURA JUST CONFIRMED THAT THEY ALLOWED AND UNAUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL TO CANCEL OUR SERVICE! UNBELIEVABLE. We may have to speak to our lawyer about this Im thinking…

Regarding the capacity concerns for Nate, he had a configuration issue that he couldn’t find time to troubleshoot with our service team. More than 20 logged calls stating, “I don’t have time, that shipped has sailed, etc.” After the 300+ calls by our staff….By the time they reached out we had already signed with Speedline… yes, it took them that long to finally reach out to us.

Nate with Krazy Karl’s has used extremely offensive language with many Revention employees during our history together. It was necessary to add him to the list of people (now only 8) that we simply cannot tolerate in a business relationship. These people take away our time from our many thousands of Revention advocates. This is completely untrue. I have not contacted Revention myself since the first year we started with them 4 years ago. Shift managers and our GM call them, I do not. There was one contentious phone call at the very end and I believe the last one before decisions were made to change companies where I did tell “Kevin” where he could stick it. As he was lying to my GM ( who shares an office with me ) my GM put him on speaker and said “well we’re in luck cause Nate’s sitting right here, care to repeat yourself”??? LOLOL Let’s just say “Kevin” did not repeat himself…
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This will be the final post from Revention on this topic. I’ll continue to post as to help protect fellow pizza shop owners and GM’s. Feel free to contact me anytime. As a matter of fact Speedline has ask if I’d be willing to speak to owners who are considering Retention over their product. Of course will be as helpful as I can be with straight facts!

The truth will be told, Revention did threaten to disconnect services to Krazy Karl’s due to an 80+ day delinquent payment that was in the 5 digits ($ ??,???). Actually…… When we bought the system for our second store there was a deal where we could have $10,000 off the tab if we send them “literally any piece of equipment large or small, broken or functioning”. The sales guy said he actually didn’t really care if we sent it at all. He needed to make the sale. Fast forward to last Spring I get a call from a “Kevin” who literally just wants to talk about why I had posted on PMQ about them. I told him, its because we have a mountain of problems. I said there were too many to go over over the phone and that my GM would email with the list and if they didn’t get resolved we’d be moving on. He got pissed and just said “Im just gonna turn off the system since it sucks so bad for you”. Lol. I said just watch for the email and get the stuff fixed. THE NEXT DAY : I received a call at 7:15 am from a customer service agent from Revention and he said there was an audit performed and they found that we owed them $10,000! Turns our it was because of the piece of equipment that they really didn’t care about ( PS: it was a broken kitchen printer ). We paid the $10,000 off literally that afternoon. There was never any notice of being delinquent, thats just a straight up lie. Later in another phone conversation with Kevin he stated that “funny things tend to happen if you piss off the higher ups around here”.

As Nate mentioned, Revention’s HungerRush platform is solid and had zero problems for 3.5 years until the system was modified. A manager from his location called at 2:15 AM into our 24/7 Call Center to open a case. After reviewing the details and calling the manager back, the manager said Nate turned off online ordering and that both locations do not use any Revention services. This is logged by our service team and on recorded lines. We actually allowed Nate to cancel signed service contracts without any penalties. Consider it a farewell gift. Actually, I’m fully aware of how to turn on and off the system. My GM and I both attempted to turn the system on and it never worked again. So are you saying that I took down my own geofence and then a day later set our delivery radius to 0 miles?? lol. CANCELLED SERVICE? I have still never actually called and cancelled the service and neither has my GM!! Thats hilarious that you guys cancelled the service after you spoke to one of closing shift managers?? Amazing job Revention! I hope people are reading this carefully, as I sit here writing this response we still have 17 active licenses with what we thought was an active Hungerrush. Except it appears they allowed a $9.50/hr employee authorize its cancellation… LAURA JUST CONFIRMED THAT THEY ALLOWED AND UNAUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL TO CANCEL OUR SERVICE! UNBELIEVABLE. We may have to speak to our lawyer about this Im thinking…

Regarding the capacity concerns for Nate, he had a configuration issue that he couldn’t find time to troubleshoot with our service team. More than 20 logged calls stating, “I don’t have time, that shipped has sailed, etc.” After the 300+ calls by our staff….By the time they reached out we had already signed with Speedline… yes, it took them that long to finally reach out to us.

Nate with Krazy Karl’s has used extremely offensive language with many Revention employees during our history together. It was necessary to add him to the list of people (now only 8) that we simply cannot tolerate in a business relationship. These people take away our time from our many thousands of Revention advocates. This is completely untrue. I have not contacted Revention myself since the first year we started with them 4 years ago. Shift managers and our GM call them, I do not. There was one contentious phone call at the very end and I believe the last one before decisions were made to change companies where I did tell “Kevin” where he could stick it. As he was lying to my GM ( who shares an office with me ) my GM put him on speaker and said “well we’re in luck cause Nate’s sitting right here, care to repeat yourself”??? LOLOL Let’s just say “Kevin” did not repeat himself…
I find it very perplexing that they can just “turn off” your service. Seems as though it’s a breach of contract since you’re still paying them. Revention might as well rebrand under a new name because they’ve ruined it on here rather than listening to actual problems so that they can find solutions.

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Lol. Nate , you don’t need to explain yourself. Reventions software clearly is poor since they couldn’t resolve the issue in a reasonable time.
Salesmen will say anything to get the sale. Because you posted your “experience” , they decided to make your life miserable.
Cut your losses and do not delete this thread no matter how much money they throw at you. This thread is damaging enough to their brand .

No pos is perfect. As technology evolves , and software changes, so does bugs.

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Last post I made about revention here my phone rang the next day. I did not answer… Kind of makes me wonder if I should keep my mouth shut to prevent any kind of shenanigans they might try and pull on me. Is this really the world we live in now? Sigh.
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Last post I made about revention here my phone rang the next day. I did not answer… Kind of makes me wonder if I should keep my mouth shut to prevent any kind of shenanigans they might try and pull on me. Is this really the world we live in now? Sigh.
They called me the next day after I’ve posted every single time. You notice they include that in the times they’ve reached out to try to fix the situation?? lol… Never mind my employees calling them HUNDREDS of times. They suck big time… BTW: They are so HUGE and POPULAR as Laura pointed out but they’re so worried about our 2 store and 6 million in sales each year?? Very strange behavior. Stay very far away…
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