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Roto Flex

Having mostly baked in a conveyor I would like to know the experience of using a Roto-Flex. How is training? Do you have a problem with mixing up orders? I bake @ 500 deg. for 4 min, is this possible etc…
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love me my rotoflex…not sure about your questions like mixing up orders though. 4 minutes seems like a quick bake…biggest difference is that it will require some sort of skill as opposed to an idiot proof conveyor but the quality of the bake will be better in my biased opinion
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Have you baked in a conveyor? I am trying to tap some one who has done both. I have had pizza from a roto flex at Bensi and Pizza Fusion. I don’t think the bake was any better than my XLT. Bensi’s pizza was very soft and Pizza Fusion was ok but nothing I would go back to get. I am set up to cook with only an oven and thought that the Roto Flex might give me some more options. My Xlt bakes a crisp pie in 4 minutes and I make bread in 3:30. I make mozz sticks and poppers in 4 minutes. Chicken wings in 8 minutes. I bake eggs and other products with much ease. The oven takes minutes to get to temp which is nice in the morning and if we are quiet in the afternnon we turn it off. I can make a 100 pie order for a school using 2 people. My question about mixing up orders is that with the conveyor it goes in on 1 side and comes out the other. Some employees are a little challenged and I was wondering how 4 decks spinning would be easy to manage?
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Have you baked in a conveyor? I am trying to tap some one who has done both. I have had pizza from a roto flex at Bensi and Pizza Fusion. I don’t think the bake was any better than my XLT. Bensi’s pizza was very soft and Pizza Fusion was ok but nothing I would go back to get. I am set up to cook with only an oven and thought that the Roto Flex might give me some more options. My Xlt bakes a crisp pie in 4 minutes and I make bread in 3:30. I make mozz sticks and poppers in 4 minutes. Chicken wings in 8 minutes. I bake eggs and other products with much ease. The oven takes minutes to get to temp which is nice in the morning and if we are quiet in the afternnon we turn it off. I can make a 100 pie order for a school using 2 people. My question about mixing up orders is that with the conveyor it goes in on 1 side and comes out the other. Some employees are a little challenged and I was wondering how 4 decks spinning would be easy to manage?
you have to cook YOUR pizza to test the bake, not base it on other places that have that oven…we have had every type of oven…bodgett decks, garland air decks, and qmatic conveyors…we like the volume that the Rotoflex allows us to produce…sounds like your XLT works well for you…why are you thinking of switching? If employees are challenged with conveyors definitely don’t switch.
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Hi Itzza:

Unfortunately its apparently quite difficult for pizza shops to get the quality workers they would like to have. Conveyor ovens are fool proof.

XLT’s and some other conveyor ovens, bake a pizza as good a pizza as any other system.

George Mills
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hey about ten years ago i switched from a double deck baker’s pride to a rotoflex oven. i have been very happy with the oven overall but it seems that all ovens getting slammed on friday nights seem to have recovery issues. i know many of you swear that conveyors do not but that is for another conversation. you had some interesting questions about how do you prevent confusion with product and i do have some answers. for pizza, i train my people to look at the overall bake of a each pie as there is a slight difference in the look of the pie. we also use a timer to help us gauge which pie(s) (pan or handtossed) we should be removing from the oven. dinners we number and use a timer also, when the timer goes off, we look at which ticket is in front, match the number on the ticket and the dish. there are some other techniques involved but if ur smart and patient, you’ll figure out a system that works for you.

it seems like a lot more training and work compared to ‘in one end and out the other’ with the conveyor. the rotoflex is definitely a monster and can be set up with up to 3 windows if needed. fyi, me monthly gas bill is around $700, we are open only 5 days a week so keep that in mind. i hope i helped.
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Switched from conveyors to Rotoflex about a year ago and it is one of the best things I have done. Everyone around me has conveyors and we use it very much to our advantage.
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They have a RotoFlex at Pizza Fusion, running at 530F.

I find the crust to be pretty soggy. It also takes a long time to bake.

I think the RotoFlex works out well when you have 2 different teams working the oven. 1 Putting pizza in, and 1 taking pizzas out, cutting and boxing.
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OT for Y-yo, but you struck an interesting chord with me. You mentioned “numbering” your dishes…could you elaborate? I’ve been thinking of stamping a number in each of my pans, especially the deep dish pans, so the maker would simply write what pan number he/she used on an order, and the oven operator would have no question when they popped out the end what was what w/o digging through looking at toppings. How do you number yours and how do you keep them straight?
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holy cow man you just struck a chord with me! i was talking about using a marker to number ( from the ticket) the foil dishes i use for pastas and entrees . but you just made me realize that we can mark our deep dish pans with numbers and write them on the ticket before its goes to the oven tender. fabulous! it does create an extra step though but it will make it easier for the oven tender. btw the conveyor guys are gonna laugh at us! :lol:
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you guys are kidding right…if your cut/box guy gets the kitchen ticket as they are loaded (assuming you are using more than a one-man show) isn’t that enough…seems like overkill to me unless you are dealing with monkeys…not that my guys are rocket scientists 😉
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