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Royster13...reply to your question


New member
Pazzo di Pizza…So do you have enough potential in the area to do $10,000 or $11,000 per week?..RCS…

I didn’t want to hijack the other thread so started a new one. Seriously? Probalby not, here is some information J_r0kk provided me:

Poulsbo, WA. has 10,654 households (city limits and surrounding area)

This translates to $185,912.30 in pizza sales per month

In the first couple months you can approximate that you will capture 10% - 15% marketshare. Of course, you first 3-4 weeks should be a little higher than these numbers if marketed correctly:

$185,912.30 x 10% = $18,591.23/month
$185,912.30 x 15% = $27,886.85/month

I know 5% makes a huge difference in sales generated but it’s never an exact science. I’m basing these numbers on what I’ve experienced in the past, opening stores where customers aren’t aware of the brand or where they’re somewhat aware.

With that being said, reviewing the demographics of this community dictates the need for a higher end pizzeria which, if I’m not mistaken, is what you offer. There is actually a very good chance that you can post numbers higher than these. However, I’ve learned the hard way that you should never over-inflate your projections just to make yourself feel good because it will do nothing but bite you in the ass in the end. Plan and budget for sales in the $4,700 - $6,900 range the first few months to be safe. If you do more… GREAT. If not, you’ll be ready to deal with the reality. Personally, I’m thinking with a great location, you can generate $6k-$8k/week without delivery. If you add delivery into the picture you’ll be looking at $10k-$14k. The Washington area is known for supporting independent pizza operations well as long as you offer quality product at a decent price. Good luck. -J_r0kk
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In the olden days when I worked nights and weekends and owned a pizzeria my menu prices were always higher that the other locals…And I worked that angle as hard as I could…In my menus I said things like if you want cheap pizza call so and so and I gave the number to another place…I was telling the truth but it got the other guy so pissed off…

We got the other guy’s cheese tested it and found out it was not 100% real cheese…We were getting close to putting a copy of the test results in our menu but he shut down before we had the chance…

I now sell fridge magnets for a living…I figure they are the 3rd most important form of marketing…1st will always be keeping your menu in everyones face all the time…There is a reason chain stores have their flyers in thw weekend paper every week…Although for a pizza place it is a challenge to come up with fresh content so often…

2nd in my mind is giving away free food…We used to drop off free pizzas to secretaries at offices and schools and we seemed to get a lot of group orders in spite of our prices…You need to grease the spoon that feeds you…And after you get a group order take the time to thank them for their order…This can be as simple as a “hand written” card and a “free pizza” coupon…Loyalty has to be earned over and over…

Good luck…RCS…
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The big thing going for us is the growth of Poulsbo. Just the other day a new area was clear cut for homes. New homes are being built everywhere with everyone asking ‘where is everyone coming from’.

I know I will have to do some heavy marketing with mailers, doorhangers, promotions etc to build the loyalty along with all star service/products. One good thing is none of the current pizzerias are doing this. I have lived here 4 years and have never received a doorhanger, promotion, letter etc. The only thing I see if the Dominos flyer in the paper every other month and then flyers in the val-pak stuff.

Its just the rent that kills me!
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