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rug and towel service


New member
Who do you use for towel and rug service? We use aramark and they just showed up with a $16 bill increase. I called cintas, but who else is out there?
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We use Cintas, but Uni1st is another one. they have all gotten ridiculous over the last year. I keep toying with dropping it.
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I have an appointment with cintas in the am, I have been payind $72 a week for aramark for three logo rugs, 125 towels two tp dispensers and 4 center pull dispensers. This week they show up with a bill for $86.
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Depending on where you’re at, you may have a bunch of independents who would love to beat Cintas and Aramark on pricing.
Our little backwoods low-population area has at least 4-5 uniform service providers, so I imagine you folks in more densely populated areas have a substantially more expansive selection of providers to choose from.

Another option to save some coin on kitchen towels is to use what they call “massage towels” they are dyed a blue or tan color, and at a significant cost savings over the white ones. Who needs a white towel in an area where nobody will see it anyways, right?
One other benefit of the dyed towels is when you have the correct amount of bleach in your sanitizing solution bucket, (100-200 PPM) the color goes away and they turn into white towels. So see use that as a visual control point for my crew.

When our contract with Aramark came due, we said we were shopping, and they bent over backwards to beat their competitors pricing by huge margins, not just a little percentage.
So I guess I should have shopped more to begin with…
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You may want to contact your current supplier and see when your contract is up, and how much it is going to cost you to break that contract before doing anything.

If you are able to get into a new supplier part of the negotiations should be to make the contract length as short as possilbe, you may get them down to a 2 or 3 year instead of the 5 they usually ask for.
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WOW… some of you guys are spending so much money…

Logo rugs… Do they REALLY help your business? while they are nice… these companies want way to much…

When you leave them you can even offer to buy those rugs at a reduced price.

But the money you spend on the service it might be cheaper to use disposable.
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Log rugs are FREE. We pay the same contract price for the same size rug. They will do the logo rugs if you agree to stick with them for 2 years.
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My two logo mats. (1 portrait that starts at the front door and 1 landscape in front of our counter) cost 8 dollars a week. A couple hundred a year for clean mats every week seems fair to me.
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