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Sales Increase


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How was everyones sales for the month of February…

Good news here. We had an increase of 23% in sales for February compared to the last 2-3 yrs. WooHoo… :P. Even if we did not do that hugh order for the school last weekend our sales we still strong.

Hoping everyone else is doing just as good 🙂
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February 2013 was up 4% for us over february 2012. It would have been more but there was 29 day in 2012 and only 28 days in 2013.
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Down 3.04% (only $1400, which as perfect pizzas pointed out equals one days sales for me). Add also that i reduced my store hours by 9.5 hours a week, and i will say my sales where up over last year.
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We are 25% over last year without adjusting for the extra day last year.
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Ugh! Congrats to you all!
I was down a hair over 10% from last Feb. It really seems like money has been super tight in my area since Christmas. I finished 2012 down about 2.5% from the previous year. But ever since the last week of December, I am down an average of 11.8%.
It seems like my weekly customers have become bi-weekly lately, the once a month customers have slowed down to once per 6 weeks. I did have a new place in town open up a few months ago, but from everything I hear, they are super slow lately too.
I hope I’m not alone! I know each market is different, but jeez - I didnt come on here to see all this darn positivity!!! 😛
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We were up 12% in February… Feb 13 gross sales were 81k. Not only was there an extra day last year but we cut our operating hours from 62 to 36 a week. I’m still kind of surprised.

We made a decision to close a day last year, and we chose Sunday over Monday since most of our competition is closed Monday. That started in March.

As for lunch I usually go out a lot trying different restaurants and just see so much waste of labor and time during slow periods. After calculating sales and costs per hour for lunch I figured it wasn’t worth it, either breaking even or making pennies so we closed 3 months ago. So we open 3-9 mon-sat now and get there around 2 to unlock and start prep… yeah we are lazy!

We are owner operated, I’m the GM and my co-owner brother is the head chef (he’s off saturday so I assist chefs), we have a staff of 20-25 people depending on time of year. 50% of our sales are takeout/delivery (we seat 70, no bar, full service italian restaurant & pizzeria.) We own our standalone building outright. After 21 years I’m ready to sell everything for the right price… (dad died last year so we can)
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Both of my stores were up about 22% over feb 12. Neither of my stores had ever had a prior years sales beat the current year sales when refering to the same month. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Were going on 4 years now. I dont know where the ceiling is for our sales but its gotta be close. No way we can just keep growing forever.
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