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Sandwich Costume... anyone know where to get one?


New member
Hey all!
I’ve been searching online trying to find a costume of a Sub sandwich but the only good quality one I found was a Subway’s Subman site… I contacted them to see if they could modify and put our logo on it but nope, Subway has them locked in.

I did find a Blowup style sub but that would not be very good in the winter nor do I want to worry about batteries, fans or the thing ripping a hole.

Other then that, a Peanut Butter and Jelly on White bread Halloween costume is pretty much all I’ve found.

Ideas anyone?
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Thats EXACTLY what a want to do! But they wont sell us one without a franchise #.
I tried finding a used one on ebay or craigslist but no one has one. Any idea how to get one?
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I would think that even if the logo is changed or covered, with those designs there might still be some trademark issues…
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I would think that even if the logo is changed or covered, with those designs there might still be some trademark issues…
If I draw some eyebrows and a mustache no one would even know it’s him! :mrgreen:
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It’s a pretty generic costume. It reminds me of when the owners of “Casper the ghost” tried to sue “Ghostbusters” for copying their ghost. The judge ruled against Casper saying their are only so many ways to draw a ghost. I think that applies here. There are only so many ways of making a sandwich costume.

If he had a cape or a special hat or something like that then maybe, but a sandwich is a sandwich.
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If it was me, at this point I think I would buy the inflatable one. Looks like the best bet for the money.

I don’t like that one where you can see the guys head poking out the top. It will be a lot harder to find someone to where the one where they can see your head.
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Lol, the best shoes ever!

I will give that place a call about the blowup costume to see what they run and how well that will work in the winter…

Only other thing I can think of would be is to get an Animal costume, throw the logo on there and hold up a gourmet sandwich sign or something with an arrow… here are a few I found, but what do you all think?



I’m thinking maybe the pig would work as we are on the high-end gourmet side of things using all Boar’s Head meat and cheese.

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If you can wait a couple months there are a couple venders at Pizza Expo that have decent show prices.
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If you can wait a couple months there are a couple venders at Pizza Expo that have decent show prices.
Do you know who those vendors are?
I’d like to see what they have…

Need something pretty quick for the upcoming fundraisers we are doing with the schools and to stand outside the shop because we are not allowed to put any type of signage outside. Need to attract attention because we are in such a rush rush area we get skimmed right by.
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But sadly, these efforts are somewhat similar to the sign spinners…

Have you stopped at a business because ofa sign spinner or a mascot?

Yes, they may have their place, but is out time, effort & money better spent else ware?

I used a guy several years that was quite energetic and in his own ‘costume’…expensive but not sure if it was worth it…
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What other medium do you suggest to draw peoples attention to your shop immediately in front of your store?
We are not allowed to put any type of signage, banners, a-frames, or anything else anywhere on the entire premises. We are in a Dominicks plaza so there is a lot of traffic in the strip mall area but people drive right by without paying attention, as that entire area is filled with strip malls there is way to much giong on. And being in the strip mall we are back off the main road about 125yds with a bank and a taco bell in front of us.
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