Sauce - Oregano & Mixing


New member

Q1: We have never used dried oregano or for that matter any oregano in our sauce. I have always felt the missing ingredient would help our sauce immensely, but was told years ago that dried oregano is what gives you the feeling of acid-flex or “pizza-gut”. I’ve tried it in our sauce and yes, it tastes better but does give the “pizza-gut” feeling. So, any other believers in this and are you using fresh oregano in replace of?

Q2: We currently use a drill and pain mixer to mix our sauce in a 5-gallon bucket. Works well. But, with adding a few more ingredients like fresh oregano and fresh garlic, considering an emersion mixer. Anybody use one for their sauce? Don’t want to over-liquify our sauce.
Garlic in pizza sauce is what bloats you, not oregano

And Immersion blender… no way. The way you do it is the best
Personally i love a spicy sauce.
That thin layer of a game changing step is high on my list.

The sauce is the main player in the direction you take your pies