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Sauce Recipe Advice


New member
I have a great menu created. Problem I’m having is creating an amazing red sauce recipe that’ll blow people’s minds. I’ve created a bunch but others, and myself, think it’s only ok.

Anyone have a recipe I could use?
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What is it that you don’t like about the sauce that you have created?
In today’s world people are gravitating to more basic rather than complex, they want “natural”, they want the perception of simple and wholesome. Keeping with this trend why not try brushing the skin lightly with olive oil and then applying several fresh basil leaves and diced or sliced garlic (you don’t want uniform or even coverage) and then finish with slices of garden fresh tomato (slice about 1/8-inch thick and dry by placing between two absorbent towels). If getting garden fresh tomatoes is a problem use my favorite, tomato filets that have been drained for about 20-minutes, again don’t look for complete coverage, I typically use 1 medium tomato on a 12-inch pizza. You will get a clean, fresh flavor that is unlike any others.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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My main rule is to use the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
My recipe is a #10 can of Full Red puree, thinned with 2.5 pounds of water, and basic seasonings. Simple, effective, consistent, repeatable.
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My sauce recipe is a highly guarded secret. With that said, creating a unique blend of spices to add to your sauce is a trail and error process. Several ingredients can be added depending on what you are looking for. Most popular are oregano (ground, or chopped), basil (ground, or chopped), salt (onion flavored, garlic flavored, and plain), sugar (fine and course grind), pepper (different levels of grinding and hot), and some places use thyme.
If you are using one 10# can, your spice added can vary from 1/8th of a cup (very strong flavor) to 1 teaspoon (very weak flavor).
The sauce brand that you choose will also affect your flavor.
Your method for thinning the sauce with water will also vary depending on the brand of sauce.
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