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Scheduling Employees

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I am looking for some type of simple scheduling software that will let me type in my employee’s arability days and hours and then easily let me create a schedule that will only show who is available for that shit. My employees are requesting days off and I need any easy way to quick reference that when I do my schedule, I have about 30 employees, so looking at 30 separate requests off’s each time I make a shift schedule is kinda cumbersome. Any suggestions?
Sorry had some typos

Scheduling Employees

I am looking for some type of simple scheduling software that will let me type in my employee’s availability days and hours and then easily let me create a schedule that will only show who is available for that shift. My employees are requesting days off and I need any easy way to quick reference that when I do my schedule, I have about 30 employees, so looking at 30 separate requests off’s each time I make a shift schedule is kinda cumbersome. Any suggestions?

We allow each employee to fill out a schedule request. If no request is turned in by Tuesday night, then their availability is wide open. Wednesday morning all the requests are pulled and the schedule is then pre-filled with requests off. I too have around 30 staffers. What I do rather than continusily going back to the requests is I mark the day that an employee requests off with a double x (XX) I can then fill in the schedule without referring to the requests.

Hope this helps,
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When I worked in the mall at Villa Pizza, I had a calendar posted for people to write off their time off with a limit of 3 people off for any given day except on the busier days were down to 1 or 2 people off. I had a crew of 25 during the holidays.

I used Excel to create my schedules. It’s pretty easy to use when you get the hang of it.
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Bad news. There’s nothing great around.
There are a few things that may help - but nothing that does just what I think you want. And I think I know what you want, because I want it too!

I spent a lot of time looking at scheduling software in my “between pizza careers” job - when I had tons of different scheuling issues. With basically an unlimited budget for scheduling software, I never bought anything.

PLEASE someone tell me I’m wrong, and that you’ve found something simple and inexpensive that does what Jesse is talking about.

I was hopeful for a moment that my POS would have something useful, but NO, it’s just MORE work to add the schedule into the system after you’ve already figured it out, so employees can see it there, and so you can forecast labor costs. Not using that at all…

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I am using the schedule software that Point Of Success has. The other thing I do is when I hire staff I hire them to cover the exact same shifts every week. I am lazy that way. There is no scheduling to do. If they want their scheduled shift off they find a replacement and both of them come to me and sign a shift change card.
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I take that same approach - creating a “regular” schedule that repeats weekly, with adjustments for special request handled by an employee requesting the change first trying to find their own replacement or swap.

The covering person must have the same basic qualifications (cashier, pizzamaker, etc) and must not hit overtime due to accepting the switch.

But still - I’d be interested in software that did a match of availability to shifts…
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I am obviously a little late with this response. However the information is still very relevant and might be useful to new readers.

There are a great many employee scheduling programs available . They all have their own approaches to scheduling and are of a reasonable quality. Depending on how your organization operates; they will do some things very well and some things poorly. It will matter greatly on how the product suits your needs. They only way to ensure that the product is what you are really looking for is to try it out. Create schedules, project them well into the future, print reports and call for support. No matter what product you purchase; you are going to have to learn about the product at sometime. It is better to learn before buying; rather than after.

Asgard Systems Inc. will allow you to work with their scheduling softwarefor free. If you elect to purchase their product, they will send you a CD so you can install the licensed version. All of your previously entered schedules will still be active in your licensed installation. It is worth investigating. You can learn more about their scheduling software at

I hope this helps
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I saw a pretty cool program at the NRA show in Chicago called HotSchedules. It will send out text or e-mail messages to staff alerting them to when the schedule is complete, allows them to request time off and switch shifts with other employees (which you can set to require management authorization.) They say that it will sync up with certain POS systems to allow you to access all of the labor saving functions that POS systems can offer (but are usually a PITA to program in…)

It is kind of costly (monthly fee), but it seems pretty cool… I am considering it. They will give you a 30-day trial to check it out.
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I have tried

set your schedules up on there, employees can view their schedules online, and you can see if they have looked at it or not. I believe they offer a free trial period, but dont hold me to it.
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try this link . It is for a program called DROSTER it is free and I have used it for about 2 years with no problems and no expense. You can enter down to the minute that the employee is avialable(school schedule) and also days available. if it conflicts you can not schedule that time for the employee. then you can print it out for them and you also! Been good for me might work for your setup
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