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School fundraisers


New member
With school now in session I was just wondering for those of you who do school fundraisers or provide pizzas for schools in your area what kind of deals do you do? How much do you sell your pizza for? My daughter just started kindergarten this week and I really want to be the schools pizza provider we have a great product at a great price. We have completed our first year of business and are doing great I dealt with a couple of schools last year but never approached any of them they always came to us. I would like to approach all of the schools in our area and be their go to pizza place. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as i know that the schools main focus is on price but I dont want to go to cheap either and sell myself short of some $$$. Just wondering what you guys all do.
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We only do pizza for the football teams’ concession stands. HS and peewee football. I price it for them for resale at just barely over cost. So I’m not losing anything on the pizza itself, and all the rest I consider both advertising and community goodwill. It has paid off well for us. I know for a fact that we have gained new customers from it and had people order after games because our pizza at the game put us in their minds.
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We host FUNdraiser nights and donate 50% of the price of pizza purchased at regular menu price. Valid for dine-in and take out only. I would say the mix is 70% dine-in and 30% take out. We do not donate any portion of the drinks, appetizers, salads or desserts. My average donation check for a school is about $600 for an evening…so it drives quite a bit of incremental business and many new customers who discover us thru the fundraisers.
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Fundraiser Cards are a great way to help organizations. We offer cards that local groups can sell for $10 and they get a $4 profit. The card can be used for pizza or Stromboli. I actually started a fundraising business with one of my menu items that we parbake and freeze. So far this year we have sold over 50,000 boxes! You can see how we set it up on my fundraiser website:
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Thanks for the input guys I really like all these ideas I’ve just hear from other restaurateurs and stories on here where people take advantage of fundraising opportunities I really want to be the go to place for the community it still is pretty small town vibe here where if something is going on the whole town knows so its great publicity and the schools really do need the $$$ just for my daughter alone i spent about 60-70 for back to school supplies not counting her backpack and she is only in kindergarten!!!
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