School Fundraisers


New member
Okay so I have been searching the archives to get informed. Lots of tidbits but need more info.

Who has done school fundraisers “school nights” how did they work…how did you go about doing it.

Do you do a fundraiser for entire school or an organization?

Thanks for any help.

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We approached the local elementary school (we have 1) in August about doing this thing. The PTA is scary, so we went right to a teacher known to care and do a good job. We ended up working with the library on specific goals they are working towards.

We ended up having to print off the flyers for them. We gave enough for all students to take home. We do a two-day affair due to small town and desire to maximize the sales. On event days, they bring back the bottom part of the flyer filled out with name, grade, teacher name . . . and their contact info for our database if they are willing. We tally up totals manually and announce winners to the school.

We give 15% of pre-tax/delivery fee totals to the school library, a 5-pizza party to the class with the highest sales, and a $25 gift card to one randomly drawn teacher (from returned flyers).

It would be far better if they would send home the flyers TWICE, but I can’t get that. They only send stuff on Fridays. We have ordered a few colorful yard signs to put at the school driveways the day of the event . . . reinforce the idea when they drop and pick up their children. That expense will be about $30 apiece, but have easily made that already in two promotions.

Really, the hardest part is contacting someone to work out details with at the school. Negotiating the deal, and staffing for the event are pretty simple.
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