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School reading program ideas


New member
hey if anybody is doing this can you shoot me some samples and ideas to

[email protected]

i want to get this going in our school as well as the schools in the surrounding towns build the business


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Oh man, be careful with this. I did a program with the public library this summer for them to give away personal pizzas and I got hosed big time. They were giving them away to any kid that walked in the door, found out a bunch of daycares were stopping in and getting their coupons and then picking up the free pizzas for the kids so they didn’t have to bother with the meal. We started getting really strict after awhile, and I’m sure I damaged the stores image with a few people, but I got tired of getting calls right before closing time wanting 20+ free pizzas for a “sleep over”.

Out of almost 400 free pizzas, I only saw a few parents buy something when they were picking up the free stuff. It could be a great thing for your community and your business. I just want to warn you to have very clear rules for both the kids with the coupons and the people giving them out.
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We gave away certificates for free personals to school libraries and the public library as awards for their reading programs. On the certificate we plainly stated Dine-In only, one certificate per child 12 and under only. We did occasionally allow take outs, if the parents bought a large. I had no bad experience and am doing it again this year.
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indie pizza:
Oh man, be careful with this. I did a program with the public library this summer for them to give away personal pizzas and I got hosed big time. They were giving them away to any kid that walked in the door, found out a bunch of daycares were stopping in and getting their coupons and then picking up the free pizzas for the kids so they didn’t have to bother with the meal. We started getting really strict after awhile, and I’m sure I damaged the stores image with a few people, but I got tired of getting calls right before closing time wanting 20+ free pizzas for a “sleep over”.

Out of almost 400 free pizzas, I only saw a few parents buy something when they were picking up the free stuff. It could be a great thing for your community and your business. I just want to warn you to have very clear rules for both the kids with the coupons and the people giving them out.
I’m embarrassed for these people.
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I dont have a template to send you because the school does all the printing for any coupons they give out on my behalf. Here is what I do, Each teaches gets to decide how many hours the students must read to get a certificate for 1 personal sized pizza. I do this because each grade has different reading levels. The teachers have a form they send home with the kids that they can mark down what book they read and for how long and then the parent initials that they did the work each night. Once they have enough hours they bring in the form and the teacher gives them a certificate for the free pizza. I do this for kindergarten to grade 5. I don’t feel i have ever been taken advantage of and most times the parents buy themselves lunch as well so it works good for me.
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