scratch off cards


New member
I’m thinking about getting scratch off cards that will let people win free items. has anyone ever tried this?
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We mailed scratch offs with Mailshark a couple years back. They worked well and I’d consider doing it again. We had 1 grand prize card that was free pizza for a year(52 Large 1 topping pizza certificates). I wanted everyone to feel like they won so every card other than the grand prize was a winner of either a free small one topping pizza, free order of pepperoni rolls or a free 2 Liter of soda.
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We mailed scratch offs with Mailshark a couple years back. They worked well and I’d consider doing it again. We had 1 grand prize card that was free pizza for a year(52 Large 1 topping pizza certificates). I wanted everyone to feel like they won so every card other than the grand prize was a winner of either a free small one topping pizza, free order of pepperoni rolls or a free 2 Liter of soda.
do you remember how much you paid per card? I’ve found it for around 21 cents per card. Did you get a lot of them back? How did you distribute them?
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I have just finished designing scratch off post cards with mail shark and they turned out excellent. The staff there is very helpful, and wonderful to work with. My post cards go in the mail to 10,000 homes in the next 2.5 months.
Grand prize is 12 free pizzas for a year ( 16" lg. one topping) along with (free garlic bread, 3.00 off. BOGO. and a couple of other small prizes.) I also put 6 bundle type coupons on there too. Will keep you posted on how they do. (.35 per card mailed.)
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I got good return on my scratch off mailers from mailshark. The grand prize (2 of them) was pizza for a year that was never claimed (yay), every other card was a free breadstick or cheese bread. Aside from the occasional annoying customer who would dig through the dumpster to get discarded scratch offs and redeem them, I thought it was a great value.
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Yeah, she wouldn’t go through our dumpster because I kept all redemption with the daily paperwork… she would go in her apartment complex and get them out of the dumpster for people that discarded the junk mail… also she would ask her neighbors for theirs. And she would tell me about it as if she were proud…
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Ugh! i have a customer that would steal all my door to door flyers when he walked his dog! just for the coupons. he was a 4 times a week regular who had been with our family through 4 different restaurants… not much i could say but “really?”
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I have just finished designing scratch off post cards with mail shark and they turned out excellent. The staff there is very helpful, and wonderful to work with. My post cards go in the mail to 10,000 homes in the next 2.5 months.
Grand prize is 12 free pizzas for a year ( 16" lg. one topping) along with (free garlic bread, 3.00 off. BOGO. and a couple of other small prizes.) I also put 6 bundle type coupons on there too. Will keep you posted on how they do. (.35 per card mailed.)
how are the scratch off working for you?
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LOL on the dumpster divers!

We have one of those cartoon’ish city maps in my area, with coupons. I considered pulling them out of my shop because I had people tearing off our coupons while in line to order.

Hearing such positives with mailshark has reinforced mt decision to give them a shot. I am in a tough area where I swear local people drive with blinders on, we got a huge tourist following, yet locals still do not know that we exist.
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I’ve also been using mail shark since I opened. They have a great team. Their design team is unbelievable you ask for it and they can create it. They actually drew my profile pic from a picture I sent them. Response for changes are sometime same day if not hours later. My next program is the scratch offs and I’m curious to see if they work as good as the menus and magnets. I get customers all the time saying they just got our menu in the mail and are giving us a try. It’s worth the extra cost in design alone.
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Just finished with my scratch off post card sent out 10,000 over the past 2.5 months, so far no grand prize winner (free pizza for a year) but I have gotten back 387 post cards with the scratch off part on it and 591 of the coupon offers, the most popular coupon was the 10% off followed by my bundle deals ( 14" one topping with garlic bread 14.99, and the 2 lg 2 topping and 2 lt. soda 29.99) I did the mailings to follow up on the menus that I sent out this past summer. I’m not sure if this is a good return, but I’m happy to see many new faces in the store and the drivers say that they are going into neighborhoods that they haven’t been to. So, so far so good.
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Hey Tony we are excited to hear that you are not only happy with our services, but that you are getting such solid returns. On coupons alone you are getting a 9.78% return (387+591/10000) and that is on coupons alone. I am sure you have probably received orders from this piece from customers who did not use a coupon. Of course we will never know the exact quantity but I am sure you actual response rate is higher than 10% based on the numbers you provided. As a point of reference, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has found that direct mail boasts a 4.4% rate so to double that is amazing.
Josh Davis
Vice President of Sales
Mail Shark
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