As a former pizza monkey, i’d have to say I trained up pretty well. After spending times training others, it was difficult to find guys that could handle the ovens and put product out. With that said, there was alot of pride held by the crew over the work we did, so guys that sucked got hazed pretty badly, and additionally did not get many shifts if they could not prove themselves. I have thrown more than one dude back to the dishpit while managing. Told him to come back on line when felt like learning. Honestly, having a culture of personal pride in the work/performance really helped keep the quality up. One thing that helped was having an open kitchen, where everyone could see if a guy could handle his Sh*t or not. Getting thrown back into the dish pit de-elevated a guys status, which gave some incentive to be a better worker. But yeah, tons of dudes who just didn’t get it.