Seasoning New Stones


Active member
What is every ones method to this madness on new stones. How are you seasoning your NEW stones ??
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While you don’t have to pre-season most stones these days, you can speed up the natural process by:

  1. []Wipe the new pan with a wet cloth (no soap)
    ]Dry in oven (low heat)
    []Apply a very light coat of neutral vegetable oil with an old towel (I find paper tends to snag on new stones)
    ]Bake on med-high (400) as you would a cast iron pan (but not upside down).
Once the stone is seasoned, you’ll find things don’t stick as badly (or at all). After normal use, just wipe the stone with a wet cloth (if soiled) and use a gentle utensil for scraping off anything that might stick (it should pop right off).
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While you don’t have to pre-season most stones these days, you can speed up the natural process by:

  1. []Wipe the new pan with a wet cloth (no soap)
    ]Dry in oven (low heat)
    []Apply a very light coat of neutral vegetable oil with an old towel (I find paper tends to snag on new stones)
    ]Bake on med-high (400) as you would a cast iron pan (but not upside down).
Once the stone is seasoned, you’ll find things don’t stick as badly (or at all). After normal use, just wipe the stone with a wet cloth (if soiled) and use a gentle utensil for scraping off anything that might stick (it should pop right off).
This question is for commercial bakers pride stone ovens, not residential oven stones
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With new oven stones a lot of operators season them by applying a thin layer of corn meal over the entire deck surface and setting the temperature at 450F and allowing it to bake until the cornmeal begins to brown and then sweeping the cornmeal out of the oven for the first bake. I might also add that it is also my recommendation that new stones be brought up to temperature gradually, first to 350F for one hour, then 400F for one hour, then proceed like this all the way up to your baking temperature. Once you have done this you’re “good to go”.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom: I have already did this procedure as we have been using them from day 1. Only we did 100 degrees every hr, till temped out. Thanks for. As far as using oil, mentioned by George, was told by manufacturer to not, they instructed procedure of flour, as this only helped in the aid of curing, drying out of brand new poured stones. We did cornmeal after that for a couple days.
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I think George was under the belief that you were referring to baking platforms such as screens, disks, etc. rather than a stone oven deck. Putting oil on an oven deck will only result in the oil polymerizing and creating a varnish like build up on the deck surface. Like I said, you should be good to go.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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