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Seating - Wall Bench


New member
Does any one have a suggestion for a good source for a wall bench. I plan putting one against one of my walls and spacing tables out along it. Then I can push the tables closer for large groups. Also this is my 1st dine in space, it’s pretty small, but what is a good size table to accommodate pizza my large is 16"
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Most wall benches are custom made to fit your space. A local upholstery shop can point you in the right direction. Sounds like you have a great idea for the use of your space. Standard table sizes are 24" wide and 30" wide. Your choice should be 30" or more (custom table can be any width).
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check any near by churches lots of then have old pews in storage, that would work! prorob get them for a modest donation.
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Thanks Famous, I’ve liked your page on facebook for a few years and have always like the look of your restaurant.
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