I have had customers claim their pizza was made wrong when I was the one that made it. I simply say let me review the video to see how your order was made and usually they drop the accusations.
That sounds like the absolute worst way to make use of video. If you record calls, do you offer to play back a call when someone says “no, I said pepperoni”? (being in the business, I get it though - in my head I’d really love to show video and play calls for customers)
I have a different take on cameras. One that took me a few years and a lot of stress to come to.
IMO, having and using cameras takes a while to master. At first, you will feel like you have to watch the cameras 24x7. You will be furious for weeks as your pretty little picture of what happens when you are not there comes to real life. You might fire people, you’ll get a little high on playing Perry Mason - spending 3 hours to finally nab the employee who has been stealing a 20oz soda once every 2 weeks.
Every single time you look at the cameras you will see something that you think you need to do something about.
Having cameras pointing at the cash drawer doesn’t suddenly make it simple to figure out why the drawer is short. 80% of the time, after spending hours watching video, you won’t have your answer. 19% of the time, you will think you have your answer, but not enough evidence to bring charges.
After about a month, you will start wondering what the hell you are doing. Why you are spending hours of your time away from the shop trying to catch some kid not working 100% of the time. Why you are spending hours of your time to save $5.
Don’t get me wrong - we have cameras in all of our stores. But I only look when I really need to - and for something really, really important - like a massive shortage, or a robbery - or to verify something important that I already know. Otherwise, randomly watching video is the perfect way to increase stress, ruin your family life and accomplish nothing.
One other thing - there seems to be a rule on how many days worth of video you should keep. No matter how much video you keep, the video you need to see will have been erased just yesterday…