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SEO web search


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So I know it is so minor, but when people search pizza Brownsburg In, I am third…There is a newer shop called panoonys that somehow has less reviews and gets the first hit every time. I am sure has to do with key words and such!
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Part of the problem is that your site has very little content that a search engine can actually read… it’s mostly images. The GoogleBot can’t pick your text out of the images, and even if it could you don’t have a lot of it. Search engines rank content. Your page looks nice, but there isn’t much information on it. A quick count on your first page was 90 words, where the #1 ranker has 360.

A great way to get some more content on your site is to get a blog going. Including my blog pages, my total website content weighs in at about 25,000 words, where your site is 5,000. I am the number one ranked page for a search of “pizza” in my area.

I would start by removing the 4 image boxes on the bottom (VIP Club, Coupons, etc…) and replace those with text boxes that talk about each of those things. That will quickly give you a lot of content about your place.

A couple of other things I noticed that would be a big help with just a little tweaking:
  1. The competitor has “Pizza” and “Brownsburg” in his page title (as does the second ranked store) Your page title just includes “Pizza”. That’s a 5 minute fix that would be big.
  2. It is rumored that Google ranks heading data very highly, and your site has no headings. Your competitor has a heading tag “

    ” that includes “Pizza” and “Wings”, and an “

    ” tag that has “Pizza” and “Brownsburg”. The competitor that ranks 2nd in the search has “pizza” in an “

    ” tag and “pizza” and “Brownsburg, Indiana” in an “

    ” tag.​

You can learn a lot by doing some Googling on SEO. There are some pages where you can input your site and it will give you feedback as well.

There are many little tricks that can aid your ranking, but it ultimately comes down to content. Google wants to point to pages that have lots of content, and preferably content that changes often.
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Do you have Google Analytics installed on your site? It can give you some insight into how folks that end up at you site are searching and where they come from…Also, have you used Google Keyword Tool to find the best keywords to use?..
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As Piper said content and updating content are very important. But your SEO key words are also important. As no actual person sees these you should include common misspellings, abbreviations, nearby town names, etc. I would include best pizza Brownsburg as well in both your content (in an actual sentence) and in your key words. A lot of people google best pizza such and such a place.

Also, when you google certain word combos to see where your shop ranks it’s not a bad idea to use in private browsing, as it eliminates google using your search history and what not to give you tailored results. Essentially you’re seeing what other people who google those words are seeing. Hope this helps. Good luck in getting the top ranking.
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BTW, I’m in Tokyo with my google settings set for Japan so take it for what it’s worth, but I just googled pizza brownsburg indiana and Rockstar pizza was at the top of the list (excepting the paid spots on top).
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Sorry to keep posting on this thread but I’m now looking at your website and Piper is spot on. Maybe on your homepage you could add a nice paragraph describing your place, using words that the search engines will catch, and still keep your images at the bottom. Also, it looks like your menu page is a picture of your menu? The search engines aren’t reading this. This is a bit of work, but if you build a page for your menu you can have it so that if you click on a particular item it will bring you to a page for that item where you can write a blurb incorporating key words into the description. You’d be adding nearly 30 pages to your website, but these pages can be hidden from the main menu and are only viewed if someone clicks on the link, yet the search engines go over them and all the content that you can add there (not to mention what you can add to your SEO key words and page descriptions). If you care to, google new york style pizza tokyo. Between our website, FB and what people write about us we pretty much own the first three pages of results, so you’ll be able to figure out the link to our site. Your site’s much nicer than ours (I used a simple drop and drag builder to make ours), but if you look at our menu page and click on an item you’ll see how I keep throwing our key words in there (Oji, Tokyo, Japan, New York, NY, NYC, slice, best pizza etc.) into the blurbs. It doesn’t read like I’d like it to, but it has gotten us a top spot in searches.
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