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Sept up 10%. 1st double digit increase 2 yrs


New member
Well we closed out Sept with a 10% increase for the month over 2009. That was the first month up by a double digit percentage since Summer 2008… a relief to be sure! That also makes 3 of the last 4 months up… now we slide into one of the slowest months of the year (11th of the 12 months) and ramp up for the big winter season.
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Nice work Steve! Something just feels right lately with business. I know the economic numbers don’t yet spell out a huge recovery, but something feels right again.
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We are still 30% off our historical highs. (2006-2008) Being a resort we depend on visitors for business… 1st because they buy pizza and 2nd because the local customers earn a living from the business and with business and wages down, the local business is slower too. Construction was booming in the 2003-2008 period which was a huge source of local employment as well. Construction has come to a dead stop in the last two years. (down 80% according to the building dept use tax receipts)

Compared to last year, not only are the last 120 days are slightly up in sales, labor is down by $5,000 for the same period, so we are doing quite a bit better on the bottom line. (gave manager an EXTRA $1,000 bonus)
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Nice. I’m up…no kidding here…30% over last year for September. Finally starting to see all the hard work pay off.

Avg ticket is up, deliveries almost doubled and labor only increased about $200.
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Congrats on being up such a considerable amount. My Sept was up 6.2% from Sept '09 and I was ecstatic. Its great to see that this is happening at your places too! I wonder if this is a sign things are getting back on track… It does seem like the big chains arent running as aggressive specials as they were last year at this time, which may have something to do with our increase. Hopefully this trend keeps going, because I, for one, am sick of stressing out constantly!!! 😃
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I was up 1% over last September…I will take anything I can get especially since I was down 15-20% all summer over last year. 🙂
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I’m up 100% from last year. …of course, I uh, only opened in March so… :lol:
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