Service - Moving from 20 to 60 seater


New member
We’re moving from a 20 to 60 seater location with construction underway.

Currently recruiting staff. We have full table service. We’re more confident on back of house expansion with how many staff we need but when we opened first was trial by error until we got formula right on front of house (staffing levels and configuration). Any tips on expected staffing level % increase from owners who have gone from 20 to 60 seats (with expectation of similar customer levels - capacity at nights). We’re currently 50/50 delivery/in-house but expect that to move to 25/75 or 20-80.

We also don’t have steps of service or anything similar written down by way of systems. Any tips/resources on that front appreciated.

Is it wise to split room up by teams (I.e 2 wait staff cover 30 pax each or rather follow steps of service as customers come in?). For a 60 seater, is it big enough to split into roles (runner, bar, wait staff), or train all well and move as needed?) advice around what owners do around peak times very much appreciated!

Thanks again in advance… following the ThinkTank got us through first opening year!
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