Hey Rockstar,
From an outside point of view, the places in town here that serve a higher quality pizza and other items do offer both. Beer is the easy one, but we always see plenty of wine on the tables. If Indiana is the same, the lic covers both beer and wine. I would do a small mix of beers and start off offering a couple of wine options. I would also ask your wine customers for suggestions on what they would like too see you offer. You might find that instead of having an ok middle of the road wine in bulk, your customers might prefer a small selection of bottled items. Are there any local wineries that might front their product in return for the ability to spread their name. You could also offer bottle sales of the local items. With the vast options you offer, the Thai looks great by the way, maybe line up a selection of specific options to offer based on the pizza itself. I think as a money maker, alcohol can be a great one, and although you need the insurance and new rules for the employees, restaurant alcohol sales is not as demanding as bar alcohol sales.